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Is he really talking


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My TAG seems to be saying a lot of stuff in his cage, I think I can make out his name Echo, Hello, he says my sons name followed by time to get up, whoa, and I'm almost certain he laughs, now they certainly are not 100 % clear but he is not just making random noises. I try to go to his cage when he is doing it but as soon as I get close he goes back to his baby chirps, I am wondering if this is common, him not wanting to talk directly to me, or if I have made it so he doesn't want to talk to me in person. He is a big mama's boy and we spend a lot of time together, but I have to tell him, no baby talk do you want to go back and he stops his chirps for a short time, and then I say it again and again. I am wondering because I read on a site that if he will only talk in his cage he may never talk out loud, I should mention he is only 4 1/2 months old so I know he is young I just want to make sure that I am not promoting him baby talking to me somehow and causing him to not use words.

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Don't worry, your baby is fine, he is just practicing at this point and some are closet talkers meaning they won't talk in front of you only when you are out of the room.


At only 4 1/2 months old he has plenty of time to talk, they will go thru lots of chirps, whistles and mimicing of other sounds but thats great that he is starting to use words at this young age.


If you don't want him using baby talk then don't baby talk to him, use your normal voice for they will pick up what they hear but he sounds normal to me.

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Is there anyway to not make him a closet talker, I have tried with treats to get him to say hello to me but I guess when I say baby talk I mean he just chirps when he is on my lap, like a baby bird would, now don't get me wrong I know he is a baby bird, I just didn't know if I am somehow making him not want to talk to me, or promoting his baby chirping, he is my baby we snuggle and cuddle and he has started to put his head down when I hold him and if I don't give him a scratch he will scratch himself and then look at me and put his head down again as if he is telling me he wants a scratch. I am not overly concerned about him taling just want to make sure that I don't somehow teach him not to. I love him to pieces I could never of imagined loving a bird so much and just how smart and loving they are he is a blessing, I just want to make sure I do things right..

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Relax, jhhuhma - you Are not doing anything wrong. He is experimenting, and going at the pace thaT feels comfortable to him. It sounds to me as though he's doing a LOT of "talking" for his age! My TAG Max didn't say a recognizbale word until she was about 11 months. When you get frustrated that he isn't talking "on cue", just remember: that may be a sign of intelligence, too !

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4 1/2 month sis highly unusual. The average is around 1 year or more.


The mumbling can go on for a Looooooong time as they calibrate the words before they announce them to the world. It does not mean he will be a closet talker at all. He's just practicing like they all do. :-)


Mumbling can go on for weeks or months. He may even stop completely (as far as you know) for a while also.


Your doing everything just fine, so relax and enjoy your grey. :-)

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Thank you I definitely don't want to give the impression that he is speaking clearly, He does an extreme amount of mumbling, I just know what I say to him and what I think he says back but only if he cannot see me, his name however is very clear but in a bird voice. I truley do enjoy him, I also notice if I am in the other room and laugh he seems to copy me and laugh this may all be in my head but my family seems to make out the same words as me. I am home all day and spend most of my time talking to him also I have 4 kids and a husband and between us we all talk to him a lot. I could not imagine my life without him he is adorably funny his actions down to his facial expressions, I leave a bowl of water out on the counter for him and this last week he has been going to the bowl and dipping his head in it flinging it all around and then flying across the room squaking and repeating this behavior, I can't even put into words how funny this behavior is. Anyway thank you all for the input, and know I do love him to pieces whether he is talking or not.

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My whisper was doing mumblings like that at a very early age too. Around 5 months. By six months it was starting to get clearer and we could make out a few words if we listed carefully from the other room.


By 8-9 months she was saying several phrases clearly but still in the other room. When were were in the other room we would just answer her back and repeat what she was saying. Occasionally something would pop out if we were in the room and there was some background noise going on.


By 10 months she was saying about 15 phrases clearly and in front of us.


She is now 13 months and seems to be stuck on about 6 of her favorite sayings. She will talk to me when she is sitting on my shoulder. I keep saying new stuff to her but I guess she will go forward when she is ready.


I was proud the other day that she talked in front of the vet and her office staff.:)


Your bird is doing great. Just be patient and keep talking. He is making baby sounds because he is still a baby.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/01/21 23:44

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This is great news!!! In no time your baby will be speaking clearly for everyone to understand. Sounds like he is in that stage where the family can understand him, just like little kids when they first start to talk, mommy/daddy can understand them but not everyone else. Just keeping talking and enjoy the adventure!!

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  • 2 months later...

My TAG Zahra started the same word sounds at about 5 months too. In our case the sounds just got clearer and clearer.. now she is almost 10 months old and she talks non stop clear as a bell. She picks up new things about once a week. Congrats on your baby tag starting to talk!!!


btw.. Zahra doesnt talk nearly as much out of the cage (on me) as she does in her cage or on top of her cage.. but she does say some of her more comfortable first words..so i agree with everyone and it just takes time.


Isnt it amazing how early timnehs talk??? I love it!


edited: because i said zahra was 8 months but she is actually almost 10 months! DOH!<br><br>Post edited by: ZahrasMom, at: 2009/04/02 22:16

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