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Miss Kitty passed away


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Some of you may know that I have a cat named Miss Kitty. I have her since she was 4 weeks old and this year she would be turning 12. Last June of 08 she got really sick and we rushed her to the emergency vet (after hours & only thing open on weekend) where she was diagnosed with kidney failure. The outlook was very "grave" as they put it the paperwork and they told us that she was not likely to survive but a few days and 2 weeks at the very most.


At that point we had 2 options, we could spend a few thousand to try for a miracle and put her in intensive care or put her to sleep. Of course I was crying and grieving at this news. I wasn't expecting it to look so dim. I didn't want her to suffer so I told them I thought it would be best to go ahead and put her down but I wanted to see her one more time. They brought her back in the room and she was rubbing me and purring as if to say "I'm not ready to go" and that's when I made the decision to try for that miracle even knowing that she probably wouldn't make it much longer. I gave her the "talk" and told her to fight and she could do it through so many tears.


She was in intensive care on IV's for 3 days and they said there was improvement but it we were fooling ourselves if we thought she would recover. So we took her home and made an appointment with our vet and kept her monitored. We had to give her shots 3 times a week for anemia and we also had to give her IV fluids under the skin every day. She did get off the shots after about a month but the fluids under the skin we had to do till the very end.


The bright side was she did very very good. She got back to her old normal self and still a happy cat. It was almost like she was fine but we knew she had a limited time with us. Every now and then she would have days where she would be more tired than normal but that was to be expected. The doctors gave her only a few weeks at best but we torn off 8 months of calendar pages. I was thrilled when Miss Kitty made it through this holiday season. I couldn't have asked for more.


A few days ago I seen her take a turn for the worse but she was still eating and drinking but I knew the end was near. We had actually decided that we needed to take her to the vet today and possibly putting her down but Miss Kitty died in her sleep last night.


In my mind she was the best cat ever and she will be so missed. She was my constant companion for the last 12 years. This is one of her last photos just a few weeks ago at Christmas. She still looked healthy and happy. Her being here with me this Christmas was the best present I could have asked for.

DSCF5784.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/01/15 17:42


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I'm so sorry about Miss Kitty Erika but she is in a better place now and is not suffering any longer.


I know the last 12 years were so happy and good for her to have shared her life with you and your family, she will be missed but never forgotten.


She was a lovely cat from the picture you shared and I have been in your shoes so many times before but time heals all wounds.

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Okay, Erika, here I am at work, with tears rolling down my cheeks... I'm so sorry to hear of Miss Kitty's passing. It has always been hard for me to say goodbye to an animal companion, or to hear about someone else having to. But what a wonder they are, sometimes, aren't they - surviving much longer than anyone thought they would. It sounds like you and she were truly blessed to have each other for so much longer than you'd expected, and it doesn't sound like she suffered much. God bless - I'll put you in my prayers.

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Erika she is not a plain old tabby cat .

I to have a silver grey tabby that I have had since she was 6 weeks old and is now 16 yrs old this feb ,she has been there for me through everything.

She is at peace now and in a lovely place where she can do whatever whenever she likes .Im sure she is looking down at you .My thoughts and prayers are with you


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Thank you everyone. It really helps to know that you guys are there for me. I know Miss Kitty was not just a plain old tabby cat. She was so special. My mom had a tabby cat when I was growing up and I bonded with that one as well. There is something special about tabby cats. I don't think I would have anything else. Gosh, I really miss her already. I was so lucky to have the extra time with her and it did give me time to prepare but just like with people, you can prepare all you want but when it comes down to it, you really aren't.


I am so glad that we went ahead and spent the money 8 months ago to "see" if she could pull through it even when the doctors thought otherwise. It was a terminal condition and I didn't think I would have as much with her as I did. It really meant alot to me that she made it through Christmas.


It's starting to really hit me now. Earlier I thought I was handling it pretty good but as the day goes on it's getting worse.

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Erika, I'm soooo sorry to hear about Miss Kitty. It just breaks my heart, but I'm glad you had all that wonderful extra time with her. That is a very, very cute picture of her. -hugs- I'm glad Miss Kitty had someone like you to spend her life with, it sure must have been a happy one =)

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Erika, I am so sorry for your loss.

I dont talk about them a lot, but I have two cats who are both 17 years old and showing their age now. I also have had them both from being babies and I cant imagine the hurt you are feeling.

Big hugs to you Erika, my thoughts are with you x

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She is the only pet that was totally mine that I have raised from a baby. It is a huge loss for me but I knew it was going to happen. We had a good life with great memories:)


I found her this morning in my office which is not her usually sleeping place and I put her in a box untill we could take her to the vets. (Can't bury her with our sub freezing temps here:( ) But my dog Jackson picked up the scent where she was laying (I couldn't smell anything but I guess he could) and he got all worried looking. He went searching the house and kept looking at me. Then he went to my husband and wanted him to follow him. He walked a few steps and waited for my husband to follow him and then he took him to the spot where she passed. It's amazing how they know when something happens. Since he was so worried I did show him Miss Kitty in the box and he looked at her and then he gave my hands a few licks as if to say "I'm sorry" but I could tell he understood. After I showed her to him and told him what happened he has not went back to that spot. I'm sure my dog is sad too cuz they were friends and she was already with us when we got Jackson as a puppy. :(


I did feel robbed when the vet said what she had was terminal because she was only 11 years old and I thought I would have her atleast untill she was 15 or 16:(


I am going to make a huge display and put all my favorite pictures of her. She was very photogenic and I have an amazing collection of her pictures to remember her by.


Thanks again for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers. Big hugs to all of you, too.

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I'm sorry to hear about your loss, I hope you're doing okay.


As for your dog knowing, i'm sure he does. We use to have a dog and cat a while back that were best friends. When the dog passed, we buried him with a nice gravestone and everything in the backyard. My cat sat on his grave for months. She would eat, use the little box, then go back outside and sit on his grave.


My thoughts are with you and your family.

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