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problem with my grey


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Hello Marilyn, it seems that Sparkie may becoming more independent now that he is getting a little older and they do that. He is not quite the baby he used to be, he probably was more receptive of cuddling and handling then and now he is asserting himself more and doesn't want as much handling or contact with you.


I wouldn't take it as an offense, he just doesn't need the contact like he used to so give him some space and then maybe when he does feel like playing he will but respect his right to not want to play all the time like he may have done in the past.


Why don't you give us a little more information about yourself and Sparkie so we may get to know you better.

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The clicking sound is a part of the warning he is giving you that he does not like what you are doing and he is probably nudging or pushing you away with his beak, that is all part of him not wanting to be touched or messed with at that point in time, respect it or risk getting bit. Hope this helps.

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So you should pretty much know him by now, his body language and such but he is asserting himself more now, he is not quite the cuddly, lovey baby you got in the beginning and he is wanting to spend more time to himself, just being independent but it doesn't mean he loves you any less, he just doesn't NEED you like he used to.

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marilyn wrote:

I just hope it`s a faze - he looks at me as though I`m a stranger sometimes, it`s so upsetting as I love him dearly.


That look is of defiance and maturing just as a young child tries.


They act or refuse to do something and then at you and let you know they are serious about having some space. It is alarming at first, but you'll learn to deal with it and give your Grey the space it wishes when you do not need him to move or do something that is not an option.


He is still your much loved Grey, just maturing. They do not for the most part, remain baby cuddle muffins, just as human young babies age and slow down on it.:-)

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