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getting our new baby today


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been reading this forum for some time with great interest. we lost our 4 year old grey due to liver failure from an infection she picked up. we put her in a pet shop for board while we were on holiday for 2 wks came back and she died 3 wks later. vet says she could have have caught infection from the pet shop but couldnt be 100%. informed the pet shop (but as i thought) they said they had no other problems. my wife has'nt stopped crying since. so today i am going to pick her up a 14 wk baby(hope it brings the smile back to her face). i would like any thoughts on the above.

this was the only change in her routine ever.

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I'm so sorry to hear you lost a precious grey to a liver infection and it could very well have come from the pet shop but just couldn't prove it. I can imagine how your wife must have felt, like losing a member of the family, thats what my grey is to me.


This new grey will not take the other grey's place but yes it should bring a smile back to her face and if she loved once she can love again.


Why don't you officially introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and this new grey you are getting and maybe share a pic of it with us too.

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Another very sad story. From what I've read here, a pet shop is not the best place to board a bird. Others can comment on the perils of doing so vs. a veterinary boarding program, a friend's house or getting a bird-sitter to come to your house.


Your wife's grief is perfectly understandable, and it's great that you're supporting her. The new baby will not replace the lost bird, but will work its healing magic and bring great blessings to your flock/family :)

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Sorry to hear the sad story of a beautiful sentient beings life cut very short and of your wife's grieving.

I hope the new Grey brings joy back into your home and especially to your wife.


The loss of one of these special Greys is like losing a first born and you will never forget her. She is still very much a part of your lives and lives on in your wonderful memories of her.


Looking forward to hearing how the big surprise went and some photos when you get a chance. :-)

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How long has it been since the passing of your last Grey? Just make sure that if the new little one is sharing the same cage as your last birdie, that it gets a thorough cleaning JUST IN CASE. Always better safe than sorry. I think what you're doing for your wife is a good thing. When my grandma's dog passed away unexpectedly she swore she wouldn't get another dog, but when someone gave her one as a gift she was thrilled. Now they're inseparable.

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http://When my grandma's dog passed away unexpectedly she swore she wouldn't get another dog, but when someone gave her one as a gift she was thrilled. Now they're inseparable.


Funny how that goes. Same thing happened to my mother, sister and wife with their respective cats and dogs. They all say "never again" and then open their broken hearts.

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