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Low Albumin???


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When whisper went to the vet the other day she said she looked wonderful. But now her blood work came back with a low albumin. The vet says not to worry since she looks great and all other blood result were fine.Also she is on Harrison's. We will do a protein electropheresis in about a month after molting is over.


She also said that her Albumin was a little tiny bit low on her first baby check up and now is lower. She used a different lab this time though because she saw her on a saturday and she says she prefers Univ of Miami where it went the first time.


She says she doubts there is anything to worry about because whisper is one of the best looking and sweetest Grey she has seen in a long time but you know I am kind of worrying anyway. There is this little voice in my head that is saying "well you know you have always thought she was kind of too quiet and not as active as she should be." You know second guessing everything. She is a small Grey. When I see some of your big birds she looks tiny.


Low albumin can indicate liver problems, kidney problems, and malabsorption.


The vet also says that that there is a bell curve and she just might be at the low end of it and it is normal for her.


Have any of you ever had your bird'test show low Albumin?


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/01/15 00:56<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/01/15 01:10

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I would rely on your vets analysis. If your Grey had Liver, Kidney or other organ problems, the blood tests would show more than just an issue with the albumin level.


It seems you vet has a plan in place for follow up. I am also positive that the vet advised if you seen any change in stools, weight etc. to bring her in sooner.

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Thanks for responding. I am relying on what she says but I am just a worry wart. I just wondered if any other members had birds who had tested with low proteins before. I guess I was just hoping someone else had the same experience and would say it turned out fine.


But with 25 views and only one reply I guess not.:laugh: i will try to put my worries in the closet for now.

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