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How dusty are they?


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Hello All,

I would like an idea of just how dusty the Greys can be. What possible consequences could there be for children? Would an air purifier take care of the dust or at least lessen it? Just doing research before I decide to buy. Thanks in advance to all who reply. How much dust are we talking here?


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I guess it matters if your kids end up allergic to bird dander, which I figure you will figure out after the fact.


As far as how dusty, I have one CAG and she can put up quite the mess. I clean the cage area, cage, and vaccuum up the mess at least twice a week, but that's just me. Once a week would be fine. But, she does produce a bit of feather and dander. That being said, I am still trying to get her comfortable with bathing and trash. So, once I can convince her to actually throw water about her, maybe that will deminish.


All that being said, it's really not that big a concern seeing as how I have supplied her with enough stuff that the mess she makes from that only an additional 30 seconds to clean up the "dust". The toys she destroys, the phone books she shreds, the peanuts, food she throws around......dust is a MINOR concern.


Would I say NO to getting her knowing all that......ABSOLUTELY NOT! The companionship, and bond built will be enough, for the right owner.


HK sends....

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I have asthma and I have 2 cockateils and a Grey I find that as long as I keep an aircleaner running in the room they are in I have no problems. Tyco is quite dusty sometimes but she also likes to bath herself on a daily basis in her water dish and I give her a shower once a week in the winter and 2 a week in the summer. If I turn off the air cleaner I find that the dust will make it very difficult to breath because of my asthma but its no problem as long as the air cleaner is running.

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