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Hello fellow grey lovers.

I just got an african congo grey and I have no experience!Well just enough to keep him happy and he is!I got him on saturday and still didnt bathe him since I didnt want him to feel too pshed.Where I got him he was not treated well!!!I only have sunflower seeds at the moment but after tom Ill go to town to get some seeds.Meanwhile I give him lots of fruits and veggies.

Well I will soon post some pics of my baby and you eople might even help me determine his age...I know he must be young since his eyes are still kinda dark


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Welcome Kook and young Grey!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


I am sorry to hear he was not treated well where he was. It's obviously he is in a good and loving home now though.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos when you get a chance to post them.

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Hiya and welcome to the forum.


There are lots of great threads on here which will help you and your grey, take time and read through some of them.

Any questions, just shout! Lots of experienced members are here on the forum who will gladly help.


Cant wait to hear more and see some photos.


Hope you enjoy it here:)

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Hello Kook and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey of yours, btw what is his name?


When you get thru reading all the threads here then you will know a lot more than you do now so take some time and read, read and read and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


That is so sad that he wasn't treated well but that is all different now and I hope he has found a forever home and he gets the love and attention he needs and deserves.


Please share a pic of him with us if you have any, we would love to see him.

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Hello Kook and welcome to you and your new baby. My grey used to be a sunflower seed junkie, and used to throw out all the good stuff I would offer. Now, she loved apples and celery sticks with peanut butter, scrambled eggs, walnuts and mixed veggies. Also, hunks of corn on the cobb are lots of fun too~! Lucky you came along and took this little sweetheart into your life. Keep us all posted~!~ Lanibird

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Hey!thank you for the welcoming!

I got him some mixed seed ..you won't believe how hard it is to find things(food or toys) for greys here...I live at the moment in the gulf...no comment

So im happy I found a mix and also now he is eating carrot,brocoli,pomelo(more to play with it)rasberries,banana(not his favorite)bell pepper,he loves mint leafs,thym leaves...I hope that all this is good for him...If you find any of the food im giving him not so good pls let me know

I also read on a site that they do not digest dairy products but that I should give him cheese from time to time...that was confusing!what should I do?

Show will be on saturday,early so that he has time to dry...I was planing to just open the water in my kitchen sink,put him not under it or near it,just on top,you know on the side,and c if it is of any interest to him...if not, i ll than spray him...

Oh and many thanks and same good karma back to you

But I have to tell you honestly ...I didnt just take him,I actually bought him!

He was in a bird shop...but you cant call it a shop in a civilised country...its sad,dirty,tiny cages,stinking,to cry really...can you believe that he was pulling him from his leg to take him out of his cage...that man (weirdly enough) is the one that hand fed him!!!anyhow he looked very very scared,but would not attack or scream,just as if he was on drugs or you had giving him a sleeping pill...

I was in town to get a cockatiel actually...but when I saw him,that was it!I grew up with birds in the house but none of the family really knew the needs of a birds,like playing with him,taking him out of the cage etc...it was just there to speak ..terrible really

anyhow...sorry for the long reply!

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his name is actually kook...I dont know y I put my nick name as kook,silly me!Oh and my husband insists on calling him ZEUS...Dont know!what do you think

Thank you for the advice and yes certainly I will read thru as mush as I can,thats a valuable knowledge for my baby s happiness and well being. I m just still a bit confused on find my way around this site,but its always like this at the begining right!

I posted some pics today


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Peanut butter?eggs????coolll...and the corn on the cob sounds like sooo much fun!!!cool

Im learning new things from you now on what to feed him!he is actually doing really great with food now,but Im always worried on what to give and not to give

But I read a bit and I know quiet a few things by now,like apple seeds,avocado,chocolate etc....

thank you again!

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Welcome to the site.. The fact that you've taken the time to sign up and learn obviously show's that Kook/Zeus is going to be much happier than he was before..


I've not been here long either, but i've found it a welcoming and friendly place.


Good Luck!!



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Hello there, I think that avocado and chocolate are not good for them. From what I have heard (but not 100% sure) avocado is toxic, chocolate too. I sometimes give Lani a couple tiny slices of cheese as a treat. Would love feedback from anyone whom knows for sure, though ;)

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