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Hi Everybody. Question, when,in the wild, would a grey be independant. I ask this because we know after they leave the nest the parents teach them what to eat. I am now Harry's Mum, so he wants my food. Thats OK. He must have one of the most varied diets of any parrot.

Sometimes, however, he begs. This behaviour has reduced since I started spoon feeding before bed. He gets porridge, soup, baby food, soft and warm, its the warmth he likes. He loves this time. But does this mean he was not, is not fully weaned, and would all babies benefit from this way of feeding. Its never mentioned in the manual. Any of you guys noticed if your parrots have a sweet tooth, Harry has. I offer diferent things to see which he chooses. Icing was eaten before cake, sweet biscuit before Digestive, and my tea (sugar), wont drink Hubbys(no suger).

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You should feed him as he requests. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this and is in fact a normal occurrence in Wild Greys.


It is a fact that in the wild, African Greys as well as Cockatoos for instance, are "Abundance Weaned" long after they have fledged. Two year old Cockatoos have been observed being fed by their parents and other relatives. Greys are being weaned and taught the "ways of life" for a number of years to prepare them not only to survive in a hostile environment, but also for the rules of behavior within their very own flock.


Bobbi Brinker the noted breeder has instituted a system of "Nanny Birds" which helps her raise her babies. She has the reputation of producing healthy and well-adjusted parrots.


They do love sugared anything. A little is ok, but be stingy on how much you allow. Remember to include fruits also, as many contain a high sugar content with very little nutrition, such as grapes and apples.

They need to fill up on good foods containing lots of healthy proteins, vitamins and minerals to maintain good health and a good attitude.


Believe it or not, a high sugar, fat or imbalanced diet turn your Grey into a super crazy bird that will bite and behave badly. :-)

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Thats well and good that Harry has a varied diet but it should not include cake with icing and tea with sugar. Those sweets are not fed for a reason and he is getting a double whammy with the tea and sugar, neither is allowed since the tea has caffeine in it.


A little tad occasionally is ok but never let it be a big part of what he eats or he will suffer for it and you may suffer along with it if it makes him hyper like it does our kids.


I think he just likes warm food and nothing wrong with that and the fact that you feed him with a spoon is ok too as it might come in handy one day when you might have to give him some meds with a spoon.

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