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Hi All!


this looks like a great forum, thanks for allowing me to join your flock ;)


I am hoping someone here will be able to help me - does anyone know of a way to trace a birds ownership by his leg band?


As of Sunday, we became the adopted flock for a CAG that my husband rescued while deer hunting - this is a very rural area and the bird was in the top of a 30ish ft tree, obviously more than a tad lost.


I am sure that this bird's owner is frantic at this point -


We have an eclectic assortment of furred/feathered/finned babies here already and I am more than willing to include this newest addition in our family - I have also spent sleepless nights and countless tears over one fur baby that got out of the yard - we were very fortunate that someone took her in and cared for her until we found her.



This seems to be a friendly group and I am looking forward to learning a lot!


pynk<br><br>Post edited by: pynkzephyr, at: 2009/01/13 06:48

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I am glad you found the grey. Try asking local vets who sometimes keep records of band numbers of birds they see.Have a vet see if he is microchipped. Advertise in local media, paper, radio ect. Dont give the band number out though. Ask in pet shops.People usually by bird stuff from them and they may know who has lost him.I am sure you will look after him till his owner can be found.Welcome to the forum and keep us informed of your progress. I am sure you will love it hear.You could also put posters up in the local town or stores advertising the fact you have found the grey.

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Hello and welcome pynk!


It is truly wonderful that your husband found and was able to retrieve that Grey.


She has given excellent advice.


You can call local spca's, animal shelters, petshops etc. and ask if anyone has reported an African Grey missing. There may also be some type of local animal or bird rescues that you could call. When someone looses a much loved critter they normally put the word out everywhere they can think of. So one of these places may know about him/her.


One other thought, try taking it to a local vet and have the Grey scanned for a microchip, it is possible he/she may have one, although it is rare to find in parrots at this time.


It is truly admirable of you and your family to take this Grey in and be so committed to finding it's heart broken family. :-)

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Hello Pynk and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this grey.


That is an amazing story of how you came by this grey but he couldn't have been rescued by anyone better than people who love animals and especially someone who already has feathered pets.


I am sure he has a family out there that is frantic to find him and I would assume you have done whatever you think is necessary to find them but if they don't show up then he has a new home.


We are a friendly group of people who love their greys and all feathered friends, in fact we are sometimes referred to as nuts over our greys, they are like our own children and as such are treated that way.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them and ask questions if you have any and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of this grey you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Thank yall for the warm welcome!


The rest of the story so far is that the area where he was found is in the southern 1/3 of Alabama in a very large wooded area (a few thousand privately owned acres used primarily for timber farming and hunting. He was up in the top of a pine tree off of the established trail and must have seen them coming and thought - finally, i see some flock!! He called (screeched apparently) several times and the sound finally clicked with hubby (we have a green cheeked conure who is the shriek queen of our home). My husband and son actually had to shoot the limb off of that tree and when the limb caught in a smaller (under 8 ft tree)bend it over and hubby scooped him up in his jacket.


Even after the noise and fall, his temperament is fantastic. Someone has taken a lot of time with this bird and he seems in good health. From his band, he was hatched in a nearby state in 1996. and his under tail feathers indicate he IS a boy.


I have put feelers out in the avenues suggested to search for the owner. Hubby hunts every weekend in January and will be going back in a few days (we live approx 80 miles south of the hunting camp). The town is rural and has a population less than 1,000 so if he is from around there surely by then someone will be looking for him.


Thank yall again for the words of encouragement and support



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This is a wonderful rescue story. Thank you for sharing it with us. From what I understand, bands usually have the breeder's code, state, and the month and year of the bird's hatch. A local bird club or breeder might be able to help you locate at least the breeder, who can help with finding the original owner. Bless you for wanting to find this grey's owner.

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He is a trip! We have a room separate from our house (hubby's hideaway, formally known as the TV room) and he is being housed there VERY temporarily. I went out to take a pic of him and had to get down and look under things for him - this is the first time he has felt comfortable enough to leave the couch and explore!


His band has his hatch date (making him roughly 12 yrs old) and state. My problem will be matching up the breeder code - we are smack in the middle of post Ivan and Katrina country and many things that were here when was hatched are simply not physically here anymore.


someone asked about pics, i hope it is not inappropriate to post one in this thread. i took a few and will post them in the proper pic thread.





here is my treetop friend - he is a ham - he ruffled, he stretched, turned from side to side, turned his back, looked at the ceiling, as if to tell me this was not his first 'camera call'



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I found this in a post by searching for lost grey. I have no idea if this is anything, but maybe.....


"Albus" is a Female CAG that flew away on November 7th. Fairhope/Daphne Area, Alabama. If sighted please contact; jeano@mchsi.com


This is a beautiful grey. Thanks for sharing the picture.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/01/13 22:50

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Pynk, welcome to the flock! Thank you for being so dilligent in trying to find this baby's owner. I know if any of my three fur/feather babies were to get lost, I'd be more than heartbroken. It's good to see there are still some nice people around who care about others.

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Thank you all so much


Luvparrots, I had seen that post on another site for lost birds and had not emailed them since the location the bird was found and lost is over 100 miles - but, thanks for the nudge :), I emailed them anyway this afternoon and will let yall know if I hear anything.


The longer he stays the more attached I get, but I would want someone helping to return my bird if the situation were reversed.


I dimmed the lights and set the radio in his room last night and bedtime and he asked me "where you going?" more than once - he knew it was bedtime and i was going back into the 'big house' for the night - what a sweetie he is!

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mornin' yall


just a quick follow-up - I heard back from "Albus'" owner this morning and this is not her baby nor has she found her. :(


Thanks again, LuvParrots, for the lead


I did give her the link to the forum, in case she has not been here already -


pynk<br><br>Post edited by: pynkzephyr, at: 2009/01/14 17:57

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Welcome here Pynk- glad you could join us. This really was a lucky grey that your husband happened upon him when he did. I don't know what the weather is like there but I imagine it is cold for a grey and not a lot for him to eat out on his own. He really is lovely. Thanks for all you are doing to try to reunite him with his family. I know I'd be brokenhearted if I lost any of my birds or dogs. Hopefully you'll find the family but if not then looks like he's found a great home.

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just an update -


hubby returned to area where we found the CAG - no sign of anyone even looking for him - i have been checking the newspapers in a a 70ish mile radius and whatever vets etc i could with no results.


I will continue to keep an eye out, but in the mean time we have gotten a cage for him so he could move into the house and he fits in like he was always here - he is already amusing himself by whistling for my dogs and watching them run in circles looking for me


thanks again to everyone for making us feel so welcome here



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