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Thinking of getting 2nd bird


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I am thinking of getting a second bird. I think it would be nice for Whisper to have a buddy. I went by the pet store today that I bought whisper at last year.


They have 2 BIG males that are 16 weeks. I was not real impressed with them. Whisper is female and kind of petite. I also am not sure if I want to go through a pet store this time either.


I know that there is not guarantee that if I get another bird that they will like each other but Whisper is so sweet that I feel if I could find another sweet little female that they would get along. Any advice?


I also don't know how to go about knowing if a breeder is good or not. I live in Central Kentucky. Does anyone know of any good ones in this area? I contacted some when I was looking the first time and I was not impressed.


Even though I got Whisper at a pet store they are very reputable but expensive. They are the only store in the area that vet checks, tests and vaccinates their birds.


What about a different breed of bird. They have a really sweet umbrella cockatoo and an Orange winged amazon.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/01/13 01:58

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Knowing if a breeder is good or not isn't as easy as seeing if a pet store is or not. Most breeders keep their aviaries closed, and for good reason, but that also hides if they keep their birds in good or bad condition. Many breeders don't vaccinate their birds or have vet checks...once you leave with the bird it's your problem. If you have already done the rounds and found the pet store to be the best in your area then it may not be a bad idea to look into another bird from them.


I have a sweet little female congo grey (she's 400g's) and she really doesn't like other birds. I bring home all the babies and she really doesn't want anything to do with them. She has been intrested in the Caiques and the Greenwing but I know if I was to get another bird it will not be on the grounds of a friend for her. When I buy a house I will be getting a huge B&G (he's 1400g's) for myself and I don't plan on letting them get too close because of there sizes. If you really want another bird get what you want...not what you think your little girl will want. I'm not a huge fan on the cockatoos...they need too much, their loud, and at maturity can get nasty with other people and pets. The Orange wings are pretty cool, but do seem to get a little more hormonal than other Amazons. I really like the Yellow Napes, Yellow Crown, Yellow Heads, Blue Fronts, and Cuban Amazons. The Blue's and Cubans seem to be more even tempered than the bigger guys. Macaws are also a GREAT parrot and if your not turned off from cockatoos from their volume level then you really should look into the macaws. The B&G's and Greenwings have a better didposition than the Scarlets and hybrids.

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Thanks for the advice. It is true that she may not be interested in another bird but at least she would not be alone all day while I am at work. I hate leaving her by herself.


The pet store has some macaws occasionally and they are really great but way too big for me. I have heard that they can chew the legs off your table if you turn you back for a moment. LOL Yeah the cockatoo is probably going to be too needy for me but she was sooo sweet. Practically begged me to take her home.


The two male CAGs they had were very large and much darker than Whisper. They were also nippy. I was spoiled by Whisper because I fell in love with her at first sight and not sure if I could get another as sweet as she is.


How many birds do you have anyway? LOL


Oh and the pet store gets the birds from a breeder that I haven't seen also. It would just be nice to cut out the middle man and save some money. I paid $1200 for Whisper and even though she had been vet checked by a good avian vet I still took her to the vet immediately for a check up and that was another $250 with blood work.


I just thought that if someone knew and could recommend a good breeder it would be nice.


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/01/13 03:34<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/01/13 03:35

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I hear ya' on saving money. The CAGs at my store sell for $1100, but I got Elmo from the best local breeder in town for $800. That's high for a breeder in my neck of the woods...they sell normally in the $600 range but I spent the little extra because he was recommended to me by the lady that runs one of the local rescues...she gives him her "unadoptable" parrots because she knows they will get a good forever home...and he was more than I expected from a breeder when I met with him. He pretty much interviewed me before I got to meet the babies because he doesn't sell his birds to anyone that has the money which I really liked.


A lot of people think the Macaws are too big for them...and they do need a lot of space...but really once you get comfortable handling them they really are not very had to deal with. As for the table legs I would bet that's true, but the cockatoos are little beavers too. The ones at my store go through wood toys just as fast as the macaws do, with the added bonus of being escape artist. Every last one of our cockatoo cages are padlocked with bowls in every spot to keep them in!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Granted Ethel (my future B&G) has literally taken the door OFF his cage:blink: . Boy was he proud of himself that day! The Amazons don't seem as distructive at heart as the toos and macaws, and they are a little like Greys in the way they don't need you with them every second of every day...they just need a firm hand and trust.


You would think that I would have a zillion birds but I only have one psittacine...my little Congo Elmo. I do also have a pair of Canaries, 2 set of star finches, a handicaped zebra and his girlfriend, and an amputated male Owl finch. I hope this year I buy a house and when I do I plan on getting Ethel the B&G Macaw.









The finches

138.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2009/01/13 04:39

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