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I love Ice!!


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Hi All,


So, it's been a while since I have have posted an updated on Ice.


Ice came home with us at the beginning of November. When we went to pick him up the lady who owned him couldnt get him to step up and had to stick her arm out cos he used to bite. I have been bitten several time by Ice and when he bites he means it!!!


I spent a lot of time with him and getting him to trust me. So what's changed???


Well I can now touch him everywhere including his keel bone, beak, head etc. He can hang upside down from my hands and never been so close to an animal/bird. We both know we have a special relationship and he light's up when he sees me and says hello every morning. Right now he is sitting on an armrest waiting for a head scratch!! I love having him around and with us each day.


I dedicate this post to Ice - I cant imagine my life without you in it!





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It didn't take too long for him to work his way into your heart now, did it?:laugh: I am so glad to hear things are going so wonderful for you. You have done wonders with Ice and doesn't even sound like the same bird you came home with just a short time ago. I think he has found his forever loving home with you. Thanks for the update. :)

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I love a happy ending/beginning! It's funny, I've met so may parrots at the store that come in for trims and the owners say "watch out, he's nasty." or "She's a real biter, be careful." Many, many times they turn out to be sweet and gental...it's such a shame because it the owner were to take two seconds to sit down with their bird and really work with them they would see it too.


All the best to you and Ice.:kiss:

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