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New baby bird coming my way - eventually


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I am going to see my potential new baby tonight! I have been interested in getting an African Grey and the local bird shop gave me th number of a breeder, Erica and she happened to have a baby that was just born the first of the year. I don't think I will actually see JoJo (I have already named him/her)tonight, but will be able to see the parents and meet the breeder. She sounds like she has a really good head on her shoulders, she leaves the babies with the parents the first month (although does handle them) and really nutures them until they are weaned. She lets them choose when they want to be weaned so it may be six months or so before I can bring JoJo home but that's okay, she doesn't live far so I can visit regularly and bond with her. I have owned Macaws, cockatoo (briefly - unfortunately died soon aftere we got her), cockateils, lovebirds, and Quakers. Sounds like a lot of birds. When my husband passed I moved and did have room for the Macaw so my stepson took her to California. The cockateils were my kids birds, and I let the wrong person take care of my Quaker, poor Skeeter who left him out of the cage and he couldn't fight the dogs and cats off for a whole week. So no mixing animals and birds for me anymore! I am going to be working from home and JoJo is going to be my coworker and keep me company during my eight-hour shift. I am sure she will be a good coworker, less annoying than many! No Dogs or Cats allowed in the Office! Any advice people can give me would be appreciated!

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Hello Bebomo and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you are getting.


I know you are very excited about your visit with a baby grey tonight and maybe you will get to actually see it but maybe not if it is still with the parents, breeder birds do not like prying eyes.


You have had many different kind of birds but do you have any others at the moment? Sorry about your quaker but you will not be making that mistake again.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Hello Bebomo, welcome here! I'm sure you must be excited about your baby grey. It may seem like a long wait but you can read up on them and be throughly prepared for the day when JoJo gets to come home. It's good you'll be able to bond with the bird as it grows up too!

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JoJo is a Congo Grey. I went over to the breeder's last night (Erika) and she was soooo nice. I didn't get to see JoJo, but I didn't really expect to. I got a glimpse of the mom but the mom and dad were both busy with the baby. I did hear him though, he sounds very sweet. I don't expect I will get to see him for a while but that is okay, as special as I think my bird is, truth be known, all the babies look alike. He might be a little different though cause his is carrying a "red factor" which means more red feathers. We will see. I had a good time visiting with Erika and meeting all her birds - she has quite a few. A blue and gold macaw, two red crested (?) macaws, two mollucan (sp?)cockatoos, and another cockatoo. Her kids have a conure and a quaker. It's always fun to talk "bird" with someone.


My daughter's quaker I am taking over seems to be adjusting well to his new environment. He was always nippy at my daughter's place, but not a nip from him here. He is being very sweet. Hopefully he will quit plucking the feathers from around his neck. I told him the bald-necked Quaker wasn't a good look for him.


Thanks for the words of encouragement!


Bebo :)

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