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Weird attitude


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My 9 month old grey is starting to charge...bite...and being pushy?


once in a while she'll let us pick her up and then outta blue bite? and lately no one can pick her up with out her charging?? Please help.. i really want to fix this...she all the toys...always let her out...get all treats...she lives like a queen and still we get nips?

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It sounds like your bird is going through the challenge phase. Where they will challenge there owners by biting and such to see if they can dominate and see what they can get away with


I recently went through it with my Timneh lilo.


when she bites you try hard to not react at all.If the bites really hurt try closing your fist but dont move your hand away.


Im afraid it just takes time and patience but eventually your grey will learn whos boss

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Yes, as Irishchicky said, she is testing her bounds and letting you know she doesn't want to be picked up or moved yet.


When she does bite, tell her NO BITE and take her to her cage immediately then walk out of the room for a while. It may take MANY times.


Consistency, time and patience.... :-)

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Thank you so much for the respond, I figured she was doing something like that. It's like she rules the place. I always afraid of balling my fist and not showing her that im the boss because I didnt want to give her the impression of me being a jerk to her. But I will start to play the game with her :)

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Balling your fist works really well. Mine will act like he's going to bite, then I make the fist and he puts his head down. It's like he's saying, "Okay, don't be mad, just give me head scratches please." But even when he does get his beak around a finger, he doesn't break the skin. Although he has bruised a couple times lately... I think we might be stepping into the beginnings of the same phase.

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