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Cage Help


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Hi all-

I got a GREAT price on a used bird cage from my local pet store today! It's in great condition and it's huge- the only problem is it is missing the bottom wire grate. The bird can't get out of the bottom or anything, I'm just worried about the health risks of it walking around on the bottom of the cage. I'm going to try to call HQ and see if they sell replacement grates, but if I can't find one, is it ok to keep my bird in this cage if I keep it super clean? Or should I post it on Craig's and look for another cage?

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There are definitely people who believe you must have a grate to keep your bird out of the droppings, etc. Personally, when I had wire cages, the birds would always poop in the same couple of areas and some would stick on the grate anyway. I found it difficult to keep the grate as clean as I would have liked to on a daily basis.


The cages I have now do not have a grate. I put several layers of newspaper (black & white only) or wrapping paper (the plain brown kind from the shipping store) on the bottom and several times throughout the day, whoever walks into that room will pull the top piece off (the longest it goes with a piece not being removed is from 9-6 weekdays and while we sleep. I haven't seen any sign that any of my parrots have walked through their droppings. Honestly I have only ever seen one of mine on the bottom of their cages and it's only been a couple of times. That, however, may differ greatly amongst parrots.


We'll see what others have to say on this potentially controversial subject. :-)



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I would say it's fine to keep him in it. I would be more worried about rust that anything else with a used cage and make sure to clean it with bleach before you start keeping him in it. I don't use grates with my small birds (finches & canaries) and at my store we keep towels over the grates for the older babies. As long as you change the paper at the bottom of the cage every day there really isn't anything wrong with a "no grate" cage.

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i have taken the grate out of Tigerlilies main cage and both of her travel cages and just linned with newspaper.

she doesn't go down to the bottom of her cage that often and all the poo would just land ontop of the grate anyway so kinda defeats the object of having one in my opinion.


also Tigerlily gets over excited hanging from on of her toys every no and then and falls off ;) another reason why i take the grate out, smoother landing;)

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