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What to look for in a breeder?


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My husband and I have decided on adding an CAG to our family! I am wondering how to find a good/reputable breeder and what questions to ask/what to look for in a breeder. Any tips? I'm located in Michigan if that at all helps...




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1--he/she should have a generally clean establishment.

2--all of the holding cages should be somewhat clean. Expect some droppings though. Birds shit all day long.

3--make sure that he lets you have the option of picking your own one if there's more than one left in a clutch

4--be wary if a breeder tries to tell you to buy an unwened bird.

5--Make sure that he will wean the birds before selling them.

6--Ask about his refund, warranty or exchange policy.

7--ask him how long you will have to take the bird to a vet to get a "well check*. If there's a problem, a breeder should offer you the choice of the above.

8--ask him if it's alright to contact him periodically concerning questions that may crop up in the future.

9--the best breeder to find is one that only deals with birds. Birds that are a sideline usually aren't kept in prime condition

10--some people will say that it's best to ask other customers what they think when they bought their bird but most of the time it's pretty hard to track down previous customers.

11--if you're picking out a chick that isn't weaned yet, ask whether you can visit the bird periodically to see it's progress. Most breeders don't mind at all.


This is the reason for buying a weaned bird--the normal procedure after a sale is that the person goes to a vet who checks the bird and tells you whether everything is good. A vet can't perform all the necessary tests on an unweaned bird. So, good results right now from a vet doesn't necessarily mean that there's nothing that can crop up before the bird is weaned. I say this because a breeder usually allows 7 to 10 days to have the bird checked. If a problem comes up in approx 1 to 2 mts from the vet visit, you're stuck. No refund, exchange cause the 10 days has passed.

Don't expect to see the chicks' parents. They don't appreciate humans around them and you wouldn't be able to get close enough for any type of exam. Normally, they'll try to bite you.


Michigan ?---I have no idea where there are breeders but I'm sure that Michigan has them.

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