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My TAG's monologue


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I'm just sitting here reading everyone's posts while Zoe, in another room, is engaged in her exorcist monologues. She tries to say something in a very evil sounding voice (it's actually scary sounding, like in the Exorcist movies)and then tops it off with these cheerful sounding whistles and chipmunk sounds. The combination is just hilarious! I wish I could record it.

Unfortunately, she still can't say anything and she only tries to speak when she's alone--little bugger!

Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing (especially the shyness associated with speech practise)?

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Casper's the same - He'll jabber away when I'm in another room - especially if I've got friends round - but will only whistle when people are in the room. However, when it's just the two of us, and if I'm busy on the computer, he'll start muttering away to himself - and he's doing it more and more in my tone of voice, rather than his previous owner's. I read that if ou want to speed up their talking you should work out what they're trying to say, then say it correctly - in the same way you'd reinforce a child's speech - the only problem is I haven't got a scooby what he's saying!



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Guest Monique

That is so funny. Isaac does this now ... all this mumbling under his breath. This morning he said something that sounded suspiciously like "hello" to me ... though I know that it wasn't. Some birds are "closet talkers". Some will talk more than ANY TIME else if they hear some background noise (like a vacuum).

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