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grey HATES the floor


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I've had my grey, Oliver, for almost 2 years now. Whenever he's on the floor, he either flies or runs back to climb up onto his cage. I've heard a lot of people talk about how their parrots follow them around the house and what not. I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem and maybe has a bit of advice for me to help him get used to it... Thanks.

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If I were you I would be thankful for this and not consider it a "problem". There is another thread from someone who can't get their Grey to stay on the cage when she wants him to.


Maybe the natural caution on the floor has to do with the ground being a more dangerous place for them to be in the wild. Only small numbers of them will go to the ground to feed at a time while the majority stay in the trees, feeding there and watching out for predators. I don't think they spend much other time on the ground in the wild.


Plus, there are many hazards near floor-level in our homes (cords, vents, woodwork, etc.) so it's best if they learn to stay on their cages/playstands, only coming down for supervised playtime when you're with them. If he doesn't like the floor even then, you can have playtime on your table or bed.


So that's my two cents...I'm sure you'll hear from many others (including a plea to introduce yourself in the welcome room...with pictures if possible!:)



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Our greys also do not go on the floor and as Lisa says Im thankful for that. Personally I would not want my greys running around on the floor by themselves as they are so vunerable.


Why can't you have different perches so that your grey can fly around and follow you instead. Both ours always follow us from room to room and know exactly where to land.

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Mine does not like the floor either and I am glad. She is pretty good about staying on her cage or playstand. If she does fly off her playstand she will head straight for her cage and she knows exactly what room it is in.

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How I wish my Ana Grey didn't go to the floor! She was clipped when I got her a month ago and she always wants to follow me so as soon as I move, down to the floor she goes. I have a pug, I don't believe Lily will hurt her, but I'm not going to take the chance. Ana will walk after me so I also fear stepping on her. I can't wait until she can fly and because she is always trying to (another reason she is always on the floor, she drifts down), I believe she can't wait until she can fly also. I have perches all over the house and carry her there when I am in that specific area and so when she can fly, she will know where to land, hopefully.


Welcome to the family Meli_melz, if you have any pictures of Oliver you would like to share, we would sure love to see them!!

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