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Behaviour of Grey's after a near death experience


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Dan, I think this will take a while with Dayo,he must have had quite a shake up from this bad experience and also it was totally unexpected as he obviously trusted the dogs within his flock.


Charlie my eldest grey had a bad time last year with the Earthquake and loss of flights, he has overcome so much. I thought I had lost trust with Charlie but after many months of offering support, love and understanding I now have my Charlie back.


Dayo may even have a few setbacks, two steps forward, three back so to speak, but he is in the best possible care he could be in with you and Kim. Your love and experience will get you all through this.


You have all gone through so much Dan, lets hope these things that are sent to try us do make us stronger. I pray for some good luck and send my good wishes to all three of you.



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OMG Dan & Kim, I'm so happy all ended well.


I had something not nearly as bad but just as scary happen. My dad brought home a new dog a few months back...a husky...that a friend of his could no longer care for. I was out in the living room with Elmo watching TV when my dad got home really early and before I could yell that Elmo was out he opened Star's crate and she came bolting into the room like hell on four legs. Elmo took off and thank god he had been molting because he was full flight. If he was clipped and unable to fly he would have hit the floor and killed for sure (Star has killed a number of wild birds) but due to the molt and a partial set of flight she was able to make about 8 laps around the house...enough time for my dad to grab the dog and hold her down. Once Elmo saw the dog was stopped she landed on the kitchen counter and wanted nothing more than to be wisked into the bedroom.


Elmo is now only missing maybe one feather from each wing and I don't plan on clipping her anytime soon.


Again, I'm so happy to hear that all is well with Dayo and Kim is back home. Be sure to keep us posted on everyone's progress.

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Dan - Thanks for sharing this story. I am so glad to read that it really appears all is going strong in the recovery direction! As you describe, the reaction is more or less consistent with what animals go through. Obviously the exact time duration of different stages will vary from individual to individual and no doubt on the severity of the incident. I think Greys will be even more cautious than say their South American counter part and that is of course well known. If we look at some of the blatant outward differences between the animals this is consistent. Lets face it, if you are bright green, red, yellow, blue etc that screems extrovert. If you are Grey, well you are probably trying to hide! :P Okay I got off an a tangent there...


Again, keep the updates coming. Thanks for sharing and allowing others to learn from your experiences and thank goodness it look like all will fully recover from this scary incident.;)

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Raposa wrote:

Dan and Kim,


Dan, I would not doubt that you are also showing trauma behaviors, whether or not you realize it! ~hugs~


I know your right Raposa, there is no doubt I am as I fret over him constantly. Thanks for you words of wisdom.


I also appreciate all the others great words of wisdom and good wishes.


Day 5 (Yesterday):


- Dayo is pretty much himself now.


- Vocalizing,whistling etc. very loudly.


- Seemed very perky, happy and playing hard again bashing things around, hanging upside down and attacking them, playing catch with a ball with me etc.


- Chasing Jake the Conure from Hell all over the place


- Eating like a horse


- Scared of the Dobies as Hell and I hope it stays that way.


He's not a 100% yet, but very close and it feels good to have "Dayo" back again. :-)

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It's good to see this journey has such a happy ending, with Dayo coming around so nicely :) Thank you so much for being so thorough, what an amazing learning experience this is for all of us! I'm just SO happy this isn't a sad story, my heart leaps for you, Kim, and your fid.

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