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Pet Insurance


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I have just insured my grey through www.goldenvalleyinsurance.co.uk at my vets recommendation , the other one I was told about was www.exoticdirect.co.uk but it was a lot more expensive then Golden Valley .Im in the UK so just reading your profile will not help you ! Sorry

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I have considered pet insurance for my dog before at my vet recommendations but after realizing what it would cost over a years time and what his yearly expenses were I decided not to take it. The main reason I didn't take was I noticed they didn't cover everything like the vaccines or office visits, xrays and if they did I would still be paying the majority of the bill:( I know there are several plans out there but in my case it seemed like it would only help me if my dog needed surgery, got cancer or a serious life and death illness.


I'm not saying it's a bad thing to have, just didn't fit for us. If you get it just make sure you really know how much of the costs it actually covers and how much you would have to pay. ;) And shop around for the best plan. I thought it would help cover alot of the routine things like the visits, shots, teeth cleaning, etc but it wasn't. It would have ended up costing me more in the long run.


I have not checked into insurance for my birds though so it may even be different.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/01/11 05:38

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I have Charlie and Cracker insured with Exotics Direct and have found them very good. I have had a lot of money, almost £1000 payed back to me over the last 2 years what with Crackers Metal poisoning and Charlies injured wing. I would have been at a loss without insurance and urge anyone to take it out. I realise it is an expense but it only takes one problem for the vet bills to mount up. For the 2 birds it costs me about £15 a month which I concider well spent.

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I also have my three insured with golden valley like Marie. I think its really important, would you have the money to hand if your grey needed treatment or had an injury such as a broken wing?


I suppose another good thing to do if you didnt insure your bird would be to start some kind of savings plan;)


That way you would never need to worry if your bird became ill.

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I debated getting coverage for Lacey, but elected instead to set aside a comfortable amount into a savings account for that purpose when I got her. I deposit money into it monthly. She had a wellness check yesterday that cost nearly $400.00! Normally I would cringe at that but it was painless thanks to her savings account.:)

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I hope it didn't sound like I was against the insurance in my earlier post. I just decided not to get it. I do have a back up savings incase of emergency. And I had to pull out about $2500 for my cat last year:ohmy: . That's how much our emergency cost us and it added up fast! She was hospitalized and in the intensive care for kidney failure for 3 days!! Talk about a bill. It was $500 per day not counting any treatments they did to her. Luckily I was prepared to handle that (although it still hurt pay that much at once) but I have had her for 13 years and she has not been sick a day in her life untill this. They gave her only a couple days to live and no longer than a couple weeks. I am happy to say about 8 months later she is still with us and I consider it money well spent. She is on meds and needs treatments every day and I do think she is getting close the end of her time with us but as long as she is feeling good and happy I will take the best care of her as I can. It is a miracle she is still with us now.


I just thought with the insurance most bills would be covered and when I read through it all, there was a lot not covered or only small percentages of it were. I am not sure what it would have covered in case of emergencies like my cat had. It happened on the weekend of course and after hours so we had to go the Emergency Clinic.


From what Sheila quoted..It does sound more reasonable in cost than I originally thought. The cat and dog insurance was about $40 a month for each one or $80 a month for both. :(


If I am calculculating right if Sheila has her birds insured for $15 for both birds that is about $25 to $30 US dollars for both or about $15 to $18 a month per bird in USD(I think). That's not bad at all and I might consider checking into it in the future again. My advice is to ask all questions and what's covered and whats not just so you know before you sign up. I hate thinking I am covered for something and find out later that I'm not:S

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Poppy wrote:

I have just insured my grey through www.goldenvalleyinsurance.co.uk at my vets recommendation , the other one I was told about was www.exoticdirect.co.uk but it was a lot more expensive then Golden Valley .Im in the UK so just reading your profile will not help you ! Sorry


Hi.. just looked at Golden Valley and their prices, I'm assuming that the prices they quote are per annum?? Eg, Bird Value - £200 it says - £41.50..





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United States---Info on this company. Look further for more companies



VPI PET INSURANCE --1-888-899-4VPI (8744)



Easy, Affordable Healthcare for Your Bird


Just like any other pet, birds are vulnerable to illnesses and health risks. The VPI Avian & Exotic Pet Plan covers medical treatments and surgeries for accidents and illnesses, minor treatments, as well as lab fees, prescriptions, X-rays and hospitalization. Birds are also covered for self-mutilation, feather-picking, egg binding surgery, neoplasia surgery and more. With a VPI policy, you'll be able to afford quality care for your bird to ensure a lifetime of good health.


The VPI Avian & Exotic Pet Plan policy:


Pays up to 90% of the benefit schedule allowance or up to 90% of the veterinary bill, whichever is lower (after deductible).

Allows a maximum payment of $2,000 per incident or illness and a maximum payment of $7,000 for each policy term.


Supplemental & Routine Care Coverage


You can easily maximize your bird's coverage by adding the Supplemental & Routine Care Coverage rider. This enhances the VPI Avian & Exotic Pet Plan coverage and helps pay for a routine exam, blood testing, fecal analysis, nail and wing trim and much more. For just $99 per year, you can receive up to $181 worth of routine services.

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