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European capital of Culture


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Liverpool has had more bad press than I can mention and I must say some of it has been deserved. Hear I want to mention something great that has happened in my home city. Liverpool was given the honour of being European Capital of Culture 2008.I must admit I was sceptical. My first reaction was one of dis belief. I thought it would fail miserabley and be just one more disaster.I am glad to say I was wrong. It all started with an opening at St Georges Hall which is an amazing building and I have been privalaged to see inside it when the unbelievable Minton tiled floor was uncovered for the first time in many years and opened to the public for viewing.Over the last twelve months Liverpool has been host to countless events and many new opertunities for youngsters. Schools have been very involved in the Capital of culture project and the kids have embraced it fully. The Pier head (the river mersey water front)has undergone a major regeneration and is unrecognisable.A new stretch of canal has been built linking Leeds and Liverpool,this is the first stage of this development.A new arena has opened and is brilliant.It is encoraging major bands and events to come to the city. A massive shopping complex has opened in the city called Liverpool one and has many major fashion names and stores.I have only been there once and was mesmerised.Also a new museum has been built.Not seen that yet but I will .Also one of the many events was called Le Machine. This comprised of the most amazing hugh machanical spider moving through the city. We also has over 100 superlambananas pl;aced all over the city,that was a big hit with kids travelling everywhere to try and see them all,they were then auctioned off on the steps of st Georges hall for charity.The events that have taken place are too many to mention but for me the most important was the way schools got involved. Oh I must mention the Liverpool Nativity. This was a modern take on the nativity taking place in Liverpool.There has just been a closing ceramony at the pier head with thousands taking part in a massive sing along to Beatles records and The Farms all together now,then a massive fire work display which I could hear from my house.The three graces, the liver buildings and the neighbouring two magnificent buildings were all lit up and from what I have seen it was fantastic.Sorry If I have rambled on but I am so pleased to see a positive side to Liverpool.

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Hey, that is wonderful, She! Thank you for filling us in! I'm sure you are proud of your city.


I have lived in or near a couple of American cities which underwent dramatic revitalizations (Baltimore, Maryland; Hartford, Connecticut; and my own love: Portsmouth, New Hampshire). My only concern is that sometimes the "upgrade" doesn't know when to stop! I feel like Portsmouth is on the verge of becoming too popular now.


But I would love to visit Liverpool and see all the things you describe. Someday!

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Hi. Yes Liverpool is now a place worth a visit.We have some of the most amazing buildings and History. I am going to see the Titanic exhibition at the maritime museum at the Albert dock,that has always fasinated me.I am not a fan of the Beatles,non of them ever gave anything back to the City and left as soon as they could.Well I am saying that but Paul Macartney did found Lipa, Liverpool institute for performing arts and we have an amazing Linda McCartney breast cancer centre which offers a great service.The problem with the regeneration is that it is all concentrated in the city centre and water front and the suburbs are being left out.I hope that what has been started over the last few years continues and spreads to other parts of the City.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/01/11 12:49

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Sheila, you have convinced me to come and visit your area. It sounds wonderful and so interesting. It is so nice to hear of an area getting all "spruced up" instead of how so many places just get let their cities go into dismay. I'm glad you posted it. You are lucky to have a community that cares and willing to keep everything nice. Sounds like it is "The Place" to be. I would love to see the Minton Tile floor and I am a sucker for museums and things like that as well. And as for concerts and events I try to go to one or two good ones atleast each year. Your area sounds perfect for me. I'm sure you will enjoy it for many years to come. I'm glad you posted it.

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It is such a shame that St Georges Hall is built back to front. I am surprised that you did not mention the Anglican Cathedral, a very impressive Gothic pile, or the Metropolitan Cathedral, which in my opinion, is even more breathtaking than the other. The very shape, and the stained glass lantern, which, when the sun is on it, lends the interior a remarkable ethereal atmosphere, especially as the inside is open and airy. A truly remarkable structure.

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