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Baby doves in my tree

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We have a pineapple palm tree in our front yard (right outside my bedroom window). Doves like to build their nests in there. The tree is fat and short, so it's easy for me to watch them from my window and to take photos. The mom and dad don't seem to mind that we look at them. In the past, the mom and dad have never left the babies alone (they take shifts, so when one flies in, the other takes off), but with this batch, they frequently leave them for parts of the day. I was able to walk right up to the nest to take this picture. The beaks look soft and rubbery:




Yesterday, I saw her regurgitating for them. Maybe I can catch that on video in the next few days :sick:.

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Sooooooo sweet!! :) Thanks for sharing this, spookyhurst.


Maybe they feel you're watching them and that's why they leave them alone for some time :P


(just joking)<br><br>Post edited by: FairY, at: 2007/05/20 08:43

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Actually, we always joke about how the birds think I'm a baby stealer :P. I once found a baby robin, and kept him in a cage on our deck until he was grown. Birds, especially blue jays, would sit and watch me in what seemed to be a disapproving way :dry:. The other day, I had Nikko outside in her Adventure Pack and my mom said the dove was going to start the baby stealer rumor up again, "See, she already's taken one, don't leave your babies alone!" :laugh:


I keep my closet light on at night so that Nikko can see a bit when she climbs down for her midnight snack/drink. My closet has a small window in it (weird, huh?), so maybe the doves like having that bit of light to by too.

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Spookyhurst that's humor! :laugh:

I've heard parents of birds that fell outta the nest and are taken care of by people are regularly visiting their youngsters and bringing food with them -

Did you ever have this happening?

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My little robin (Rock) wasn't visited by his parents. In fact, he was ignored by all birds. Once I released him, he never seemed a part of the bird world, and kept coming back to hang out with us humans. He would "help" my mom work in the yard, and watched my dad build an addition to our deck. One day, my dad was just about ready to start up his table saw when Rock landed on it :ohmy:. We took food out to him 3 times a day or so. In a tragic ending, Rock was killed. I found his demolished little body, his legs were broken into several angles and most of his feathers had been torn out. Poor thing was still alive at that point too. I've never gotten over the poor little thing :(.


In happier news, here's the new dove photo. One week after the first one, and they don't even look like the same birds. It's amazing how fast they grow. There isn't any room for mom and dad to sit in the nest now. They kind of shove their bodies in a nook right by the nest at night.



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Poor Robin :( "Out there" can be a very dangerous place...


I love the photo of the young doves! You're right: they sure grow very fast :ohmy:

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Me too!!!! Last year, when the doves made a nest is this tree, a magpie came and destroyed the eggs before I could downstairs to prevent. I felt sooo bad when I saw the eggs broken on the driveway. This year, when they started to build a nest in just about the same area of the tree, I had almost decided to chase them away. I kept a close eye on this nest. For three weeks, I talked to the mother telling her how wonderful she was as a mother. She never left the nest. I don't know if it was the same doves from last year but this mom knew not to leave the nest. One day I look and she's feeding these two babies that were huge! I was shocked because before this I didn't even know they had hatched! She must have been really covering them with her body. I got these two photos and yesterday the last baby went out on the branch and flew away. It was like watching one of my own go....Geez, who'da thunk it? :)momma_and_baby_499x374.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: shareno, at: 2007/05/25 20:11


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Shareno, they're cute but what catches my attention most is the way they (seem to) look at the camera, as if posing for it :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: FairY, at: 2007/05/26 12:35

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Very cute pics! I love the red leaves, they add nice color :).


My doves flew the coop the day after the last picture, sorta. They got out of the nest, and are now living on the ground :ohmy:. They spend a lot of time under a rosebush without much cover, and at night the parents roust them into the shelter of a paddle cactus (which is also housing a couple bunnies and about 17 quail eggs). We were concerned, because we have 1 cat that lives next door, and 2 that live behind us. Luckily though, we found out that all 3 cats are on house arrest. The 2 cats beat up the one next door pretty bad, so they've all been put in the house indefinitely. Now if they can keep away from the coyotes, they should be able to finish growing up. We put seed and water out front everyday to try to lend them a hand.

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:) hello i know im late with this reply to this post,lol but hey better late than never.

Yous are so lucky,id love that on my doorstep,it must be sad to watch them fly away though.Great photos,my little girl loves birds and loved your pictures.:)

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