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My Bird Not Well?


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Do what ever you need to to get the antibiotic in him.I would not put it with his food as you need to be sure he is getting it. Towel him and put it in his mouth with the syringe.Is it an avian vet you went to? I am surprised Leo was not hospitalised untill he was on the mend. If you are at all worried phone up the vet again and tell them Leo is really not well and you need them to see him again, do not wait till next Monday. You are right by saying birds hide illness and by the time we notice it sometimes they are very ill

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Will he take food from a spoon? Just a thought, if he will maybe try this to give his meds.

If he is not getting the meds and you are worried, please ring the vets and ask for advice. Towelling may be the only way to go, I do hope he gets better soon.


Please keep us posted.

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Dopple wrote:

I hate to sound pessimistic but I've heard that because they hide signs of sickness that when they do show signs that they are sick it is probably too late.

Is that true?


That is basically true but do not give up just yet and yes I would take him back to the vet as this bird is very sick, do whatever you can and keep us informed. I will keep you and him in my thoughts and prayers.

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I am sorry to hear of your Greys illness and pray for a quick recovery.


Toweling may be the only way to ensure you are getting the proper level of antibiotic into him. It is imperative that you do so or the treatment will obviously not work.


Hang in there, keep the high hopes and let your sunshine and encouraging attitude towards your Grey feel confident also. They are very sensitive and quick on picking up our feelings.


I know it's hard to hide, but try to think of you best day and what made you happy that always brings a smile to your face and your Grey will smile with you. :-)

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I have had to give antibiotics in a syringe as well many times to my grey who I have had to chase all over the house because she saw it coming. I would bring her into the bathroom, close the door all the while making it sound like such a fun time in there. I would have to chase her a bit, towel her, tolerate a few bites, but I made sure the medicine was in her. Do IT NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY FIGHT, IT IS FOR THEIR OWN GOOD!. They will forgive you very quickly, and after a few days, willingly open their beak as they know they will loose the fight. Good Luck and keep us posted.

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Thanks once again everyone.


He's taken his meds in food today.

I made sure he eat the lot.

I hope that way is as potent as a straight dose would be?


He still looks very ill, but he is eating just about normal and not bringing any back up.

His droppings look pretty normal now as well.

I don't know if those are good signs or a false dawn?


Obviously he's not going to stay in his current condition for very much longer.

He is either hopefully going to get better or well, I don't want to think about it.

What signs should I look for in the next couple days?


Also, can anyone comment on Baytril?

Is it common for the Vet to precribe that for what she thinks is a digestive disorder?<br><br>Post edited by: Dopple, at: 2009/01/13 17:22

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Just a bit of an update.


Leo seems much better today.

He is eating, climbing around his cage and has even played with a swing for a while.

He's moving around a lot quicker than the previous two day, and isn't looking hardly fluffed up at all.


He's not quite there yet though. He isn't talking, isn't very playful and although his droppings look the right colour they are still a bit runny, although that could be because all he wants to eat at the moment is seed and grapes.

I just hope he keeps improving at this rate.


Thanks again guys.

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Leo is about the same today.

That's no bad thing because he made a massive improvement yesterday, so I wasn't expecting that again today.


He still isn't talking but he is eating like a mad man, going back and forth between his seed, veg and fruit, not stopping.


It's a bit disconcerting to see him stuff himself so much but I suppose it's better than him not eating.

He is now looking sleepy after a (very long) feed and has fluffed himself up very slightly, so I assume he is still weaker than normal.


Still, I'm beginning to hope that we have passed the danger point.

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This is just a thought but did your vet test Leo for metal poisoning. An x rey will show up any tiny bits of metal in the crop or lower down. I dont know it is just that my tiel had it and was showing similar symptoms. He to was eating like a horse.

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