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My Bird Not Well?


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Leo has not been himself since last night.

Nothing has changed in his environment or food.

No strangers have been in the house or anything like that. But he won't talk and won't play.

He is eating OK, and he is coming out of his cage (but just sits on his cage door and doesn't want to play).

His feathers are looking a bit fluffed up.


We've had him for just over a year and until now everything has been fine and he is normally very playful, although he can be a bit timid and easily spooked.


What do I need to do to see if anything is wrong?<br><br>Post edited by: Dopple, at: 2009/01/10 19:19

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How old is Leo?


I would say he might need to be seen by an avian vet if he hasn't seen one in a while seeing that he is not very active when he usually was and is fluffed up some but then he might be just having an off day. We have our days that we just don't feel like doing too much and so do they.


Maybe some of the other members will chime in with their opinions but you have my two cents worth.

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It may be just a mood change which many greys go through. On the other hand it may is an illness that's starting. When intestional problems and digestive problems occur a bird usually stays fluffed up all the time, won't come out of a cage and won't eat. The signs are obvious. It doesn't sound like he has that type of problem.

""he can be a bit timid and easily spooked.""

If he's prone to doing that it's possible that something occurred that you didn't witness. It could have been a small thing. I would suggest that you watch him for a couple of days to see if he gets back to his regular self. But if nothing changes and he's obviously not being himself, a visit to a vet should be considered.

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I have noticed my Kenya acting like that during the day a few times, but I think it's due to not sleeping well the night before. I can usually attribute it to my kids leaving the computer monitor on our our front light outside their window being on all night or something like that.


Usually, I make sure that night that nothing is out of the ordinary and the next day she is usually her normal self.


If it is like that for more than a day, I would definitely see a vet. If it's been more than a year since he's been to the vet, I'd also take him in anyway.


Keep us posted on how he's doing!



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Sheila is spot on. You know your Grey and if you see he is not normal, it is Avian vet time. They hide serious illness very well and sometimes just the clue that they are not themselves is the only warning you will get.


If his weight, nares, stools, eating etc. is normal. The behaviour change could be an illness that does not reveal itself through those avenues.


As the others mentioned, it could also be a change in environment or lack of sleep. But if there is doubt, as I seem to be reading in your post. Please take him to the vet for a complete blood workup and check out.

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Thanks for the concern.


I've booked him with the Vet tomorrow morning.


Early today, He was on his perch, eyes closed, swaying.

I then made him some scrambled egg (his favourite treat), and he woke up and eat it all, really enjoying it.

For a few minutes after that he seemed his old self and wanted to play.

But then he brought the egg back up, fluffed himself up and had diarrhea (a dark green colour).

So it looks like he has an upset stomach

Despite this, he seems a little bit more lively now, but still keeps closing his eyes.


I just hope he doesn't start to go backwards again before seeing the Vet tomorrow.


Is there anything I can do in the mean time?<br><br>Post edited by: Dopple, at: 2009/01/11 17:34

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Oh Dopple - I'm happy that Leo ate and seemed to perk up for awhile. I'm very concerned though that he brought it back up and all.


I would call an emergency avian vet to see if there is anything you can do until tomorrow. They may give you some quick advice over the phone. If you don't have one in your area, here is a number to one in St. Paul, MN...651-293-1800.


I will keep my fingers crossed for Leo today. Please be sure to let us know as soon as you can how the appt goes tomorrow!

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If you can not get him to a vet till tomorrow, keep him warm and quiet.make sure his food and water is easy accesable to him. I would be trying to find a vet today. I know it is Sunday but does your vet have an out of hours service?

Thanks for the vet contact number Lisa. I am in the uk so could not provide one<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/01/11 17:59

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I think Leo does need to be seen by an avian vet ASAP but if you cannot get some assistance today being Sunday then at least keep him warm.


I agree with Lisa, see if you can find an emergency number you can call for advice for when birds are sick time matters.


Please keep us informed on Leo as we care about him and you.

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Thanks again everyone.


He's stayed about the same last couple of hours.

I've put his blanket over his cage so he can just rest.


Unfortuately the Avian specialist isn't available in my area (Stockton, Teesside, UK) until tomorrow.


Apart from keeping him warm, is there anything I can give him to keep him hydrated?

I'm worried that he won't eat/drink for himself and may become too week.

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I'd say go get some formula for baby birds and mix it and feed him with a syringe if needed. Might not keep it all down but it will pobably sit better than solids right now.


I'm no expert but it's what would make sense to me since it's got more vitamins and all plus it's wet to help with the rehydration.

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Sorry Dopple I did not realise you were in the uk.You should be able to contact a vet via your own avian vets emergency cover.Even if this vet is not an avian vet they will be able to give you emergency help untill tomorrow, Providing Leo with vet support in a surgery untill he can be taken to an avian vet.He may be given antibiotics and incubation and tube feeding for support untill your avian vet can see him.I feel he eeds to get this support now.

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Thanks once again for your concern.


An update on Leo:


We saw the Avian Vet today.

She has given him Baytril antibiotic (0.15m twice daily).

He won't drink it directly, but I assume it's OK to inject it into something? (like a grape).


The Vet has taken some droppings to analyse.


He is still poorly but has eaten and drank a bit today and hasn't been sick.

He still has terrible diarrhoea.


I have this awful feeling that my dad (who has a touch of alzheimers) give Leo some chocolate over Xmas.

But he either doesn't remember or won't admit to it.

It's the only thing that I can think of that has caused Leo's illness.


We are trying to flush whatever the problem is out of him with the antibiotic and water.

We are not allowing him to have anything remotely fatty (such as sunflower seeds).

We are keeping him warm and hoping for the best.


Any other suggestions would be welcome.


Thanks again.<br><br>Post edited by: Dopple, at: 2009/01/12 18:16

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I am glad Leo has seen the vet today.Hopefully the antibiotic will help.Did the vet give a syringe to give the antibiotic. If so try syringing it in to his mouth,thats how I medicate my birds if needed. Keep him warm and tempt him to eat,give him his favourite foods. Are you going back to the vet with Leo for a follow up.

Good luck Sheila

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The Vet has booked us back in for next Monday, but if his condition doesn't improve by the the end of this week I will get him back there.

We did get a syringe with the antibioic but he turning away from it.

Not sure if he's scared of it or just doesn't have the energy. We are having to put it into his food.

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Leo isn't any better today.

I hate to sound pessimistic but I've heard that because they hide signs of sickness that when they do show signs that they are sick it is probably too late.

Is that true?

But I'm not giving up on him.

Today will be his first full day on the antibiotic.

Should I start seeing some improvement soon if the medicine is working?

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