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Safety With Oven/Stove


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Hello all, I am new here and am planning to bring my 3 month CAG home in a couple weeks. I have been visiting him daily for three weeks and he is getting very warm with me. Anyway, I recently discovered all the safetey information with teflon products, and have replaced all our household pots/pans with regular stainless steel. I have also replaced the space heater in my room (where he will be) with the oil feuled ones which do not contain teflon. I am, however, still concerned with our oven and stove tops. It is a very old Mark Royal unit, and it has clearly been through a lot. The stove top has chips all over it (presumably containing teflon) and the oven seems unpredictable. It gets hotter than it's supposed to sometimes, not 500 degrees, but with it being so old I am still concerned it may have some old build-up making the fumes worse. I am curious if any of you have older ovens or stoves that you use in your house, and what advice or information you may on the topic. I have postponed bringing him home until I feel safe about this.

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We had an older oven and I just always made sure that our parrots were in a room on the opposite side of the house (they have portable playstands on wheels) with doors shut between the the windows open. I hardly ever cooked anything at more than 375 degrees also.


Just got a new oven. I was actually more concerned about this one because there were warnings all over the manual about the risk to birds and such when running it for the first several times (and if doing the self-cleaning, of course). For the first month I had the birds in the other room again when I used the oven. Normally they're still a room away but I didn't want to take any more chances than I had to.


The great news is that the oven manufacturer (Kitchen Aid) had these warnings in there for people who have birds in the house! And the warning was on several pages...not just some small print on the back cover or something like that.

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Welcome, by the way. Stop by the Welcome room and introduce yourself a bit more...your new friends name, a little about yourself, if you have other pets, whatever. And keep asking questions. I spent weeks reading through months of forum posts before I even posted a single thing. There is so much information from everyone!



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Thank you for the response. Yeah at least my older model does not have that self cleaner on it. Those seem to have a lot of potential danger. I will continue reading other posts as I have for months now. I've wanted this bird for so long and have learned so much in the past few months since being serious about owning. Still can always be more info. Thanks again.

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