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Kya is now home


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Kya is now home and all is going well seeing as i`ve never had a bird before. We have got a hahns macaw also at the same same he is so funny and a pleasure to have about. Kya is funny also but she is shy and tries to bite but we are getting there slowly but today i got her out of ther cage by her own means. She is funny and getting to know us better each day. I have a question though i hope you all can help me with? food! i have three types of food in her cage one for the hahns but she also eats it :) but my question is she still has soaked seed (sun flower seed and corn also monkey nuts mixed) can this be left out for more than one day OR do i have to trash (bin) it after one day?



my second question is fruit! how much do i give the birds in their bowl? there are the two birds in the same cage as they have been brought up together. so far orange is a fav and apple. what else is good for greys?


sorry for all the questions just worried as i want to do right by the birds :)



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Congradulations!!! I hope you show us some photos of both of them soon! :) Did they both come home today or just Kya?


I am not sure when the proper time to take it out. I've read anything mushy should be removed from the bowls after a few hours and that's how I do it here with mine. There may be others with more experience that can give you a better answer on that one because I don't soak my seeds.



There are some good threads in the Bird Food Room and recently a really good post about monkey nuts/peanuts and which ones are safe and not. The thread I'm talking about is called "Peanuts" Peanuts are not always safe and can cause serious illness to your birds so you might find it interesting and worth a read:) .



As for the fruit, I have 4 birds and I usually divide about 1/4 to 1/2 of the apple and orange. Some eat more than others and some not much if any. After trying different amounts you will see how much they eat and how much is left over.

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I would say if the seeds are soaked then they need to be removed after a couple of hours as they will quickly spoil and turn sour. Why not try offering the seed unsoaked, sunflower and corn do not need soaking, they can eat them just fine like they are, their beaks are capable of cracking open the shell.


I would go easy on the fruit, offer more different kinds of vegetables with a little fruit, I know a lot of them may prefer the fruit but there are more nutrients in the veggies than the fruit.


Pellets should be a part of your parrot's diet also and most any brand is good even though some of us swear by Harrisons.


If you have some pictures of these two birds please share some with us, we would love to see them both.

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first of all many thanks for the answers to my questions it is good to know people are out there that i can ask things i`m unsure of and it is a worry for me in a good way :)


i`m just not sure how much i should put out for them? veg and fruit? the bowl i have for this is mid size as kya like to pirch on it :side:. should i just cover the bottom of the bowl?


OK a new question is i`m getting kya out of the cage IF she wants to come out and seeing how i`ve only had her from last sunday shes doing really well but my question is she does fly in to walls sometimes. I DO cover all windows and close all doors. She wont let me touch her so mush at the moment she growls lol so i`m working on that but she like my shoulder and head :blink:. Now she has found flight a cuddle like at the breeders isn`t what she wants at the moment. I`m lucking as in the way she lets the hahns macaw do things first and then follows where ever he goes. sorry for the long post new owner :dry:. I`m not going to rush things but kya as come along way from growling at me all the time in her cage to now just doing it now and then.



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I gave her soaked seed as they have been in the middle of soaked and unsoaked plus it`s what they know from the breeder, and makes them eat and there is no problem there :woohoo: so like you say judygram i should remove it now.


Lex<br><br>Post edited by: Lex, at: 2009/01/09 17:26

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