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I just thought i would introduce myself.

My name is Paul and i live in England. I am 43, married with 2 kids. one is 17yrs and the other 7yrs. Big gap i know, but my wife got brudy. Anyway, i have always wanted a grey, but due to work have never got one as it wouldn't have been fair on the bird. But last year my father passed away and the inheritance has enabled me to give up work (would swap it all to have my dad back though)I have spent weeks finding a breeder who i can trust and will be getting my CAG next week. I am sure that i will be using your forum alot, even thought i have done nothing but read about greys on the internet for the last month. The net is great for information, but likewise there is a lot of mis-information on it as well, so i thought a forum would be the place for advice.





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Hello Paul and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this grey you want to get.


You did come to the right place for info concerning all aspects of grey ownership, we have many members who have a wealth of knowledge about them and are willing to share what they know with everyone.


I am sorry about your dad but the inheritance is what he wanted for you and what better way to honor him than by doing what you have always wanted to do, share your life with one of these amazing creatures.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I agree, the internet is full of information but some of it is unreliable but we won't steer you wrong here.

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Hi Paul, glad you could join us! I'm sorry to hear about your father too. It's so hard to lose a family member.

You are definitely doing the right thing researching all you can before you bring home your baby. I can't wait to see some pics and hear some more about your soon to be new baby grey.

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Hi Paul, welcome to the family. Congratulations on finding a baby grey. Have you decided on any names yet? If you have any pictures we would love to see them. If you have any questions, just ask and someone will be around to help.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/01/07 22:53

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Thank you for the warm welcome. Yes we finally have a name. I didn't realise it could be so hard picking one. It was harder than choosing our kids names. Anyway we are going to call it Ozzie, don't ask me why, it was just one that we all agreed on at last. When i have some photo's i will post them.


Thanks again, Paul

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,


I just thought i would give a quick update. There was a problem getting the bird delivered, so it was another 2 weeks before we got him. We have had him now for about 5 weeks and he's great. We ended up calling him Archie! I couldn't believe how hard it was picking a name, it was worse than choosing our kids names! I can't believe how tame he is. He really is cuddly tame. I have started teaching him colours and he picked the first one after only 2 lessons. he now knows red, blue and yellow and we are working on blue. He is whistleing the Addams Family tune, although he doesn't always get it right! which is funny. We're positive we heard him say hello the other night while he was mumbling to himself, but haven't heard it since. Hopefully Archie is a bright bird, as he was born on 25th October (4 months old)and he seems to pick things up very quickly.

Oh yes, thanks for the tips on colour training that are on the forum, they worked a treat. This site has made a big difference and been a big help in me looking after Archie.





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