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Sex & Age of a Grey


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You need a blood sample to determine the sex or an examination by a vet. Some people claim you can tell from the shape of the eye but that is not accurate. It shouldn't cost much to find out if you want to know. About the age I guess a vet could determine how old your Cag is.

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Coco , Judy is right. I was on another forum and someone posted a link to telling the sex of your bird by the eye shape. It was supposeds to be 95% accurate. So by those standards, we just knew Talon was a boy. He had the exact eye shape that this study said was male.

But I had him DNA tested just to confirm. After 1 1/2 years, of calling him a he, we find our he is a SHE!!

Ask Judy, it took me many posts and months to stop saying he!!


Sometimes I still cath members of our family saying he.


It only cost about $25. Not much!

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Guest briansmum

like judygram said the only way to determine the sex of a grey is DNA testing as there are no distinguishable physical differences between male and female. as for the age thing, if his eyes are still dark and his tail feathers short then he is still very young. but you should see a vet either way, they will be able to tell you better.

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