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Would 2 Greys share a cage?


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Hi, I just found this site. There are great views here and I bet someone would have a great insite for us.

Here's some back round on Jr.

Bob & I have a great female, Jr. Girl. She 12 and very active. She has a 2 x 2 x 4 cage, full of fun, fresh treats, healthy food, fresh water a playground on the top, next to window where we encourage squirrels, egrets, blue birds & blackbirds that she talks to all day, offers food to and sings is pretty outgoing. We never close the cage doors nor does she like to be covered. Since were in Fl, we rarely need to do anything special to keep the cage warm.


We have the oppertunity to adopt 2 year old male Grey, also a Timneh. The discussion that we've been having is the initial introduction and whether they will be sharing a cage.

If anyone has any insite on that I would be thankful for your input.


Jr Girl has also been helping us train a maltese puppy. Debbie & Bob

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Debbie, you cannot put two greys in the same cage, they may get along but more than likely not. I would give them their own separate cages and then if they do get along thats great but keep them separate.


They are flock animals but a grey can get possessive of their own cage and may not like to share it with another grey even if they do get along.


If you bring this other grey into your house you will have to quarantine it from the other one for at least 6 to 8 weeks to make sure it is not harboring any illnesses or diseases.


We do have a lot of threads that will give you some information on why you don't house them together so just do a search to find them.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your grey.

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No, I wouldnt try and put them together.


I have three greys who each have their own cage. They are all in the same room and hang out together outside their cages but I would never try and put them together.


They are quite territorial about their own space, toys food etc and I think its good for them to have their own space.



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Hi Deb, welcome to you and Bob. Jr. sounds like a very special grey. I can't wait to hear more about her. I hope you decide to re-home the young male grey, does he have a name yet? As others have said there is alot of information here from members who have several greys or a variety of birds, their posts can be helpful when integrating these two greys. If you have any pictures, we would love to see Jr.

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