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Speech Training ??


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Hello Fellow Grey Owners. Sorry it's been a few months since I've been here at the forum..my computer took a crap so needless to say I couldn't be around.


I am a owner of a 10 y/o Tag, & 1.5 y/o Congo, I've had my first Tag grey for 7years, and my congo for about 4 mos.


My question is speech training..How many practice this,setting time aside for just the speech training?


I have to admit, I dont set any individual time aside for my birds for this type of training. My Tag came to me already talking, and she continues to learn new words she hears us use around the house, or words we use when interacting with her. Now my Congo, only says a few words, but I hear her muttering alot. I hope she will learn speech in the same way my Tag does, and just picks up stuff she hears us use a bit.


I guess Im just wondering if others birds picked up speech on their own? Or did you set time aside for speech training?

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You can try speech training sexssions about 4 times a times a day---10 minutes each session. You can talk to your bird by repeating phrases that pertain to you, your bird, your friends or your surroundings. fter about 10 mins. the bird tires of listening so one min before he tires, stop the session. How can you tell when a bird is tiring??--he turns his face away and pays no attention to you


You can sim[ply talk to your bird all day long whenever you feel like it and when the bird has picked up on things, he'll practice it when alone until the day comes when you hear the actual words.


So, that's speech training and natural training


Always use sentences, not single words with a grey

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They sound better and greys can associate sentences with actions


Example--you're cutting up some nuts. He can't see you be he can hear you. You go to him and give him a nut while saying * Gotta nut for you*. Eventually, when he hears you cracking nuts, he'll say * Gotta nut for you* if though you're not there yet. Single words are for small birds.

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