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Shared grey's.


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Does your partner or another family member share your love and passion for your grey/grey's?


When I first got Charlie my eldest grey, I know my husband wasnt too keen on the idea, he didnt like the mess, noise and lack of furniture as the playstands and cages took over the family room, and if Im being honest the attention, especially now I have three greys I have to spend a lot of my day caring and of course playing with the boys!


A lot of the day trips and boozy nights vanished my lifestyle and my husbands did change.


My husband loves the birds now and sees them as being part of the family, he will help feed them, cover them and loves to spend time talking with them. He has been fantastic!


He would love to do more, but the birds will not have him handle them, they will sit next to him and sometimes on his knee, take treats from him but nothing more.


I just wondered how many people have an interest in your grey?


None of my friends do thats for sure!;)<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/01/06 20:30

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casper wrote:

A lot of the day trips and boozy nights vanished my lifestyle and my husbands did change.


My hubby does not much care for my birds, he is a hunter and he is used to shooting birds not making pets out of them. He tolerates them because I have them but he doesn't feed them or do anything for them but sometimes he does uncover them on weekends when I sleep in some.


He chats with Josey from time to time but that is about it, she will take treats from him especially cheese.


My daughter likes my sun conure but she doesn't much care for Josey, her beak is too big for her to be comfortable around her.

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My husband loves our birds. He even had a parakeet that he let fly freely when I met him. I was the one who could care less about birds and never thought I would be a bird person untill I decided to get Baxter. He was my birthday present from my husband because that's what I said I wanted:) I knew I would love him from the start but wasn't sure how much interest my husband would have in him.


Well, 3 birds later..total of 4 now:blink: My husband loves them all and we both spend lots of time with all of them. When my huband sits down to watch a football game or movie, he grabs the varios perches we have, gets them set up with "munchies" and tells me they are having a party:laugh: Sometimes I will walk in the living room to find him sitting with all 4.


Baxter will bite my husband every time now if he asks him to step up. He is the only one who bites him:( but my husband still goes and pets him, talks to him and gives him snacks. They both seem to be happy with their relationship with each other and both accept each other and like each other. :)


We used to have a pretty boring life because we didn't go out much or do much socializing and now we have quite the intersting life and are always amused with them. Never a dull moment around here:lol: :silly:

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I wouldn't even have felt I could get Maxi if my daughter Mary (age 12 at the time) hadn't said she'd help out with her and take her over when she has outlived me. It turns out that for now at least, I do almost all of the "bird work", and both Maxi and Tanner are primarily bonded with me. But Maxi has always willingly gone to Mary also, and I honestly think she is becoming more even more fond of Mary as Tanner (who joined us about two months ago) settles in and Max has figured out that she has to share me with him. Mary's enjoying the added attention and I notice she's helping with Maxi more now, too. Maxi also readily steps up on Mary's best friend (my semi-second-daughter) Brianna, and depending on her mood she may also go to my mother (who would love to have her any time, but is still a bit nervous about her beak.) She will go to certain other people too - it's always interesting to see who she picks and who she'll have nothing to do with.


Tanner still doesn't really want to be on anyone but me, but he will go to Mary if we really insist, and has never bitten her (tho he has bitten me). Everyone else is too afraid of his bigger and very black beak to try him...:unsure:

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I'm on the other side the one who didn't want the birds because all of the reasons you state. My boyfriend has always wanted one so I finally gave in.


I had no choice when our grey came home as he fell in love with me and how can you not love a bird that panics when you leave the room, wants you to cuddle him, loves riding on your shoulder, flies to you when you walk in the door and is so happy to see you.


My friends think I am completely nuts which I totally understand, I mean I used to be one of those people that thought people who had birds were crazy, hehe.


Amazing how having one completely changes your view.

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Exactly what Jane08 said...I wasn't the "bird" person...my wife was. We got a grey for her, and guess who she took up with? Now I am the bird nut and all my friends think I've lost it but I don't really care... She's my little buddy!

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Ana Grey is obviously my grey, I am with her almost 24/7. She tolerates everyone in the family and let's them pet her and she perches on arms readily, Funny thing, she likes my 7 year-old grandson very much. Gabe did receive alot of instructions on what to expect and how to handle her and truly loves animals so I'm sure that had alot to do with it. Ana gets alot of attention for neighbor kids, my 19-year old grandson and just about everyone who comes into my home. Hopefully she will continue to be as tolerant of everyone!!

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Thanks for the replies everyone, you can safely say we are all nuts together!


I find it interesting that a couple of people on here were not the ones to really want the greys but are now the people the birds have bonded with!





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I feel really bad for my fiancee. She is a bird person and really oves our greys.


But, I have just always had a way with animals that they just trust me and come to me, i seem to always know what they want. It really shocks my fiancee;s son, when i ask him to check the basement because one of the cats is "telling" me that the other is locked in the basement, and when he opens the basement door, there is the cat staring at him.


So when we got our first grey "Saphira", she bonded to me instantly, even though my fiancee was the one giving her formula. Then we decided to get a second and i was really hoping that Thorn would bond with her, but it is not looking like that is the case. I cannot help it that animals are drawn to me for some unknown reason. Maybe they can just sense that i am an animal lover and would not hurt them, not that she would hurt them either.

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