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Does your bird have a favorite tv show?


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Nikko doesn't really pay attention to the tv. However, when she is left alone, I'll leave either the Cartoon Network or Disney Channel on to keep her company.


She also might be a basketball fan. Usually, she is ready to go to bed around 7:00 PM. But when my mom is watching basketball, she is content to sit with us until 8:00 PM, and even then, it's usually me that encourages her that it's bedtime.

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Guest briansmum

brian doesn't seem to pay to much attention to the TV it's self yet, however he's rather fond of chewing on the remote control buttons when i'm trying to change the channel. he got a menu thing up the other day and i couldn't get it off and missed half my programn!!! i wasn't mad at him though as it was soooo funny, he seemed to know what he'd done cos he got all excited.

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I'm not sure what Harrison's favorite TV show is. He does, however, say what's on sometimes. If we put one of his bird DVDs on, he'll sometimes say "Hi Birdies!"...If it's cartoons, he'll say "Cartoooooonssss"....lol. He seems to get more chatty and playful when the birds are on.



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Don't think this will have made it over to the states, but the only programme casper really likes is the Clangers - it's a kids program from the 1970s, and the characters 'speak' using swanny whistles - I think he likes the noise, although it's one of the few noises he hasn't imitated yet.


Beccy - the Cartoooons thing is seriously cute!



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Guest Monique

The bird sitter video has several selections to choose from and so far the only one "we" have watched is the parrot "loop". For the 5 minutes I watched it it was different parrot birds and lots of birdy noise! Birds up close, birds far away, birds eating a peanut, birds being handfed, birds being pet. Mostly birds without humans in the picture though. I'm convinced my birds thoroughly enjoyed it :lol: . The funniest thing is when my husband came home he said he was scared poopless because he heard all the noise and thought I did something crazy like buy a bunch of new birds!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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No, Talon and Judygram, I thought about the classical music channel and what the bird may do with it? Like would they start to sing classical arias? :P

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  • 2 months later...

I am resurrecting this Topic.


I find the "Bird Setter" video's intriguing and this topic in general.


Do the ones that own this video, leave it on everyday when your gone?


Do your Greys end up imitating the Parrot noises and squawks after hearing and watching for a while?

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I don't watch a lot of TV here so none of mine have a fave that I know off.

Wonder if the TV would help wake mine up? They have been way to quite lately has me worried. Like I need something else to worry about. {Feel-good-0002006E}

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LOL Tari!


Hey, normally in the early hours, they have some of the old series like "I Love Lucy" on.


That funny show would wake up your Babies and may even get your Grey saying "Lucy, I'm HOOOoooome"


Might drive you Bonkers though :laugh:

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I don't watch a lot of TV anymore, can't you tell, I am always here, but the TV is on in the room where the birds are and my hubby watches a lot of hunting and outdoor shows. She hears a lot of animal sounds but I haven't heard any of them come out of her beak yet, I am surprised she hasn't done the turkey call, my hubby practices that a lot with mouth calls.:blink:

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