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Does your bird have a favorite tv show?


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Hi Dan. I only put the bird sitter video on about once a week. I don't want Talon to make more bird sounds, squawking, etc. than human words. But that's just me. I prefer having a conversation with her in my language, not a birds!!:laugh: :laugh:

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  • 7 months later...

I think Lyric's favorite show on tv is The Simpsons. My boyfriend loves watching that and whenever it is on Lyric sits hypnotized watching the screen. Funny, it does the same thing to my boyfriend, except he is usually laughing the whole time.

Also, when I leave to go to work, I leave the tv on public television so Lyric can watch all the educational children's shows and hopefully learn something! He still doesn't talk, but maybe one day he'll surprise me by spelling C A T in Elmo's voice- who knows?

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Elmo loves "Two and a Half Men" "Nova" "Nature" and some commercials catch his attention too. He laughs along with the Men show, but seems to be "learning" when watching the other shows. Of coarse now he thinks Church TV is a comedy, so he might want me to leave that on for him more often.


I put the rdio on for him 2-3 times a weeks and I used to put it on NPR, but then I thought he might start talking like Rush Limbaugh so I changed it to the 80's station...he seems to like it more anyways.

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Quinn, Jiggy, Tommy and BJ like Mighty Machines and Diego on Treehouse channel. They also like the sound machine I put on for them at bedtime which among other things is waterfalls and song birds. they listen to the waterfall/brook running every night and they know it is bedtime when they hear the water. They are instantly quiet and go to their beds.

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Oisin and Liath like anything with lots of booing and cheering like X Factor or American Idol. And they join in with gusto. Liath particularly has a thing about Simon Cowell. We say Look Liath its Simon and she blows a raspberry! (Its kind of like what does the cat say - the show doesnt have to be on at all!)

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Bosco says SHHHHHHHHHHH when I have the tv on past his 7pm bed time. I have to turn the volume down a notch to get him to stop shushing me. Somehow he learned to shush me from me shushing him all the time, which actualy works.

I thought about getting a little 20" flat panel tv for his cage so he could watch Animal Planet HD while I'm gone during the day to keep him company. I do leave the radio on all day for him.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I leave the TV on for Cosmo when I go to work during the day. Usually disney channel. He seems to enjoy watching Mickey Mouse club and Handy Manny because if I change the channel while those two are on I get a "whaaat?!"


When I watch "The Daily show" he'll laugh like a madman whenever the audience laughs lol

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