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hi guys im terrie im 24, i live in merseyside uk and mum to our 18 week old baby cag Jasper. Hes been really good since we got him on 24th november but over the last few days hes started screeching a lot. I had several replies to my post in which i asked what i should do, i filled his food bowl right up and the creeching stopped! hes like my 3 year old haha. nice to be part of this forum everybody seems really nice. thankyou if you replied to my post earlier! :laugh: :side: :kiss:

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Hello Terrie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Jasper.


I laugh now that I remember asking you in another thread what your grey's name is, duh, your screen name said it all but then it could have been another bird or pet name, oh well nobody's perfect.:blush:


Jasper may have just been hungry but then it is not unusual for them to regress a little after bringing a newly weaned baby home to want to be hand fed again. Lets hope he was just hungry so be sure to provide him with enough to fill him up.


Do you have any other birds or pets or is Jasper your first bird or grey?


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Jasper you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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thankyou very much judygram, Jasper is indeed my 1st cag, we have a rabbit (who thinks himself more of a dog) and we have been looking to buy an Africn grey for sometime, but understandably we have 2 small children and we wanted the right animal in our family. I advertised in a local bird trader website askng for information on local breeders in my area and i received a phone call within hours from a gentleman named Gary. He explained that he didnt normally advertise birds until they were ready to be rehomed but as we lived close he himself would feel reassured if he was owned by somebody locally. This was perfect for us as we had read up on so much information and wanted a baby that we could visit and bond with. We watched him grow after a few visits and everytime we went to see him he was always the bird (out of 2) who came to me and i thought he had a cheeky personality. We fell in love instantly and brought him home in november and we could not wish for a better family member!! :) :) :)

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Hiya Terrie,


Congratulations on your new baby! I also have a baby grey called Jasper.


I hope you enjoy the forum, there are lots of useful threads in the Nursery room and also the birdfood room which may help with your new bundle of joy.


Cant wait to hear more about Jasper and see some pictures.



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