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strange new behavior?


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Whisper is 13 months old. Just this week she started doing something that is different and annoying. She wants to lick my fingers and hands constantly. Little nibbles like she is licking the juice off them. As if they are the tastiest thing she has ever tasted. It is her tongue she is using, not her beak.


My hands are clean and I rinse them thoroughly but you can still smell the soap on them. Not sure if that is it. She has never done this until this week. She used to sit quietly on my arm while I am on the computer but now she wants to constantly lick my hands. If I remove my hands she starts on my earlobes.


Is this normal? Any idea why she does this?<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/01/06 02:57

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How do you react when she does this? It could be she is just enjoying the reaction you give her, like a giggle or a annoyed sound. Greys love drama, I wouldn't be alarmed by it. I imagine if you start ignoring the behavior she will soon find something else to keep herself entertained. Perhaps it is time for a few new toys?

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This is so odd our male grey who is 2 has just started the same sort of thing. He nibbles my hands as well and even tries to clean my finger nails. I just assumed he was preening me as sometimes he stops and starts to preen himself and then resumes on my hands.

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I am reading a book called "The Parrot Who Owns Me," the story of a relationship. The writer is a well-known ornithologist, Dr. Joanna Burger. She has written several books on avian behavior. According to the book, this is a sign of affection and apparently birds also like toes!! So if you are ticklish, keep your shoes on!!!

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Well she has started again. I think you may be right. It just occurred to me also that since she is molting she has not been demanding her head scratches as she usually does when sitting on my arm. She has some pricklies up there. Maybe she is substituting this for the head scratches in order to feel affectionate with me.


Thanks for the response. Sounds like a good book.


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/01/08 01:48<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/01/08 01:50

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My Amazon does that to my arms she is constantly picking and licking me when she's on me I'm sure its her way of showing me that she loves me. My Macaw loves to lick my face close to my ears where th tiny fine hairs are he seems to like to try to preen them. I get a little nervous about him getting to close to my face he's just started stepping up regularly over the last month or so and I don't know weather I can trust him not to bite yet. He does try to be gentle but I don't think he know his own strength yet he's been lock up for 3 years so he has to learn everthing all over again. I must say he's coming along nicely.

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My Amazon does that to my arms she is constantly picking and licking me when she's on me I'm sure its her way of showing me that she loves me. My Macaw loves to lick my face close to my ears where th tiny fine hairs are he seems to like to try to preen them. I get a little nervous about him getting to close to my face he's just started stepping up regularly over the last month or so and I don't know weather I can trust him not to bite yet. He does try to be gentle but I don't think he know his own strength yet he's been lock up for 3 years so he has to learn everthing all over again. I must say he's coming along nicely.

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Max, our TAG, has never done this, but Tanner, our severe macaw, does this all the time. I have even noticed that he will often very gently "preen" any scars or cuts I have on my hands - (some of which he may have made in the first place :angry: - tho he is getting MUCH better about not biting). He is particularly interested in my fingernails and earlobes, too. It's as tho he likes the feel of keratin-on-keratin with the fingernails.

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