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uncontrollable screetching


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can someone please help, we have an african grey whos now 4 months old who has just yesterday started screetching uncontrollably!! even when he is out of his cage and flying around or being handled by myself or my partner or roosting at the top of his age he is still screeching and we cant get him to quieten down, any suggestions please ????

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Is your baby fully weaned? At four months he/she should be but some take longer to wean than others. How long have you had your grey? Have you made any changes since yesterday around your bird, nail polish, new furniture, new clothes etc?

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hi nims he hatched on 1st sept and we brought him home on 24nov. he was fully weaned when we collected him and took to seed straight away, we moved him into our dining room yesterday as the screeching was loud and uncontrollable in the living room. we decided to move him back earlier to see if this was his reason for screeching but as i write he is in his cage with the door wide open, eating and screeching. thanks for your answer, very much appreciated

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Does he get plenty of attention in the home, my birds go loopy if they dont get any attention. Have to tried talking to your bird softly or reading to him?


Other questions would be that is she/he eating and playing well. Does the poop look OK?


Last but not least......have you tried ignoring the behaviour as she/he may be attention seeking?<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2009/01/05 23:43

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he gets plenty of attention (well i think he does)he has perches in his cage along with a tree branch and toys. his food pots are directly either side of his perch and he has fresh seed fresh fruit and veg aswell as water everyday. He has the same food we got from our breeder which is mainly seed based. Evenwhen we talk to him he screeches and bites our lips (not hard) poop also seems fine.

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HI and welcome jaspersmum.


It could be that your baby Grey would still like a formula feeding or you can use baby food and spoon feed him that warmed.


He is still very young and it is a natural instinct for them to call when wanting a "Feeding".


Maybe give this a try before going to a vet. :-)

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I was gonna suggest a vet too. Unless something changed. A toy, hairstyle, perfume, anything. If nothing changed from one day to the next it would be a red flag for me. Too young to be going through puberty or anything like that. It could very well just be behavioral but to be that sudden I wouldn't take a chance. You said it even when it's eating it screeches is what got my attention. Should be pretty quiet when eating.

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