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weird .....


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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !! Hope you are all well and your greys are the lights of your lives.


Quick question - I find this weird - my Koko FREAKS out when my husband leaves the room - he whistles and calls for him BUT he will not let my hubby pet him , pick him up and acts scared of him ???? My husband is so confused by this - any ideas ?

( hubby has never raised his voice to koko or hurt him in anyway - koko is completely bonded with me and ONLY me)




Sarah :)

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Are you in the room w/ the bird when he leaves? If not could be not wanting to be by itself. Or could just be the consistency of him being around. Echo doesn't let my wife pet her or step up but she let's her out while I'm at work and will fly and follow her to whatever room she's in.

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Thanks guys !! Great points.

I am in the room -so i love watching koko go ape shit when nick leaves.


My husband usually sits at the computer alot - so yes he is always in the room too.

It's actually quite funny to see koko freak out when my hubby leaves.

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Finnigan follows my husband as well. Because she is flighted, she waits for him to come back and then flies to him if he doesn't come back fast enough. She is bonded with me and doesn't like him to touch her (she will tollerate it, but she is very tense) and she doesn't fly to him to be on him, but will land somewhere in the room (usually on the top of the door) so she can see him. I am almost always in the room that she leaves to go be with him. I agree, its very strange behavior. I wonder if its a grey trait. I almost get the sense that its like one of those herding dogs, she just wants everyone in the same room. Do you get that sense?

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This behavior seems so odd to me - but that probably just proves how much I don't know!:whistle:


I wonder if it has something to do with wanting to keep an eye on the human that the bird is least bonded to? Like: "I want to make sure that human doesn't get out of my eyesight and do something dastardly..."

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