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Ring around the leg


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hi ...


my 2.5 months baby timneh has a ring around her leg ... she keeps on biting it ... so i thought its small and decided to hava closer look ... so when i looked at it i found that its not small however her leg is very red because of the biting ...


do you recommend taking off the ring? and if yes how can i do it :D

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There are a great many of us in this forum that have already or are getting leg bands removed. If you check there are posts in regards to this.


If you are thinking about removing this band please see a Avian vet to have it done, this is NOT something that you would try to do on your own.


Carolyn & Mika

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Yes I would definitely have it removed, if you read some of the threads here especially lately you will find some that have become infected or been hurt in some way by them, have your avian vet remove it ASAP. There may already be an infection there if the leg is red.

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the thing is the vet told me that he couldnt find the band cutter and he said to call him back tomorrow to see if he will find it or not? i am going now to check with another vet ... he is 1 hour drive from my home ... dunno his name to call him and check :pinch:


i will let you guys know..

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I personally dont recommend clipping unless its for safety reasons. All my birds are flighted and are still tame. I dont see why the pet store would suggest this!

Everyone has different reasons for clipping but I dont believe seeing a post on a bird being tamer once they have had this done!


Think long and hard before doing this, if thats your only reason and not the safety of the bird I would say no.

Many members have clipped birds many have fully flighted, it will always be a debate on here. Do what is right for you and your baby.


If you decide clipping is right for you make sure its an experienced vet who does this, bad clipping can cause lots of problems for a grey.

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what kind of problems could the wings clipping cause?!


to be honest ... i used to be cockatiels owner and greys are new to me ... i used to clip my cockaitels when they were young ... as they could hit a wall or a door when they fly out of the cage ... however when they become older and learn how to do a safty landing i stop the clipping things ...


Keemo has never flew when he is out of the cage ... but kiki the first time ever out of the cage she flew and hit the man door ...


so safety could be a second reason ...

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Greys need to fledge and learn to fly before they ever have any wings clipped, they have to learn how to land properly and they can't do that if they can't fly. They will bump into things and have accidents but it is your job to make sure they stay safe while doing that.


Clipping wings is a sore subject here as most are very much against it but it is an individual decision and if you do decide to clip make sure it is done properly by an avian vet, bad clips can cause lots of problems, and with someone such as you who does not know a lot about greys will not be able to handle.

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If the birds get a bad clip it can lead to balance problems. Greys are top heavy birds!


We also have had members in the past where the grey has had a bad clip and this has led to plucking problems.


Has the baby been allowed to fledge properly? They need to do this to strengthen the muscles when they are young.

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Hi ... i just came back from the vet ...


and i DID NOT clip her wings...


however, the vet told me that there is no infection and her leg seems to be okay ...


and he said that he recommends to take off the ring ... so he took it off ... he said that i should expect to see her limping a little bit ... and thats what happened ...he also said that she might have her leg swollen for couple of days .... and thats normal ...


please let me know what do you think ...


i am watching her right now .. and its true her leg is swollen most of the time even when she eats !!!


i have to add one thing ... that she climbs normally on the cage bars..<br><br>Post edited by: bebo08, at: 2009/01/03 19:14

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Good Morning,


well THANKS TO GOD ... she seems to be okay this morning ... i opended the cage top today and then 10 minutes later she climbed willingly on the cage bars and then flew out of the cage and i saw her walking and the limp seems to be disappeared:)


i think climbing willingly is an indication of having a healthy leg .. right?


as i still can see her leg swollen but i belieive this is normal becuase even Keemo does it most of the time ...

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Glad to hear that Keemo is making a good recovery and should be back to normal any day now, yes her climbing around her cage bars is a good sign. You did the right thing in taking her in to see the vet, if you had waited another couple of days it might not be so sunny an outlook.

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:blush: Sorry about that, I forgot you have two greys, Keemo and Kiki, thanks for clearing that up for me.


I like the name Kiki and with Keemo being the other grey it sounds good together, why would you want to change it, believe me I have heard much sillier names.

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