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hi, this is the first time i have been on here i was wondering if anyone knows what could be wrong with my grey . . he has a large blister like lump underneath his chin which seems to have appeared today , im not sure what it is , would anyone have any suggestions . . . thankyou

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Hey Jules,


I'm afraid I have no idea what it could be, but I think most people here would say to get your grey to an avian vet as soon as possible - and keep us posted.


What's the blister like, and how bothered is he by it - does he seem his usual self? Has anything changed in his routine recently?



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Can you post a picture? This literally just showed up in the last 24 hrs? If so the most likely thing would be an acute injury (like from a fall or something). Is there blood or oozing? In any event if you cannot confidently determine what it is, I would make a vet appt ASAP. Are there any other symptoms affecting his behavior?

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hi, thankyou for all your replies, fortunately the next day it seems to have got smaller, and now gone altogether, a friend said it could be maybe a bit of strain when hes talking ??? strange ! hes been fine in himself just the same as usual really, hopefully it wont come back , thankyou everyone . . jules

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Jules, if it has been a while since he has seen a vet it might be a good idea to take him in to at least consult on what may have been going on. I know anything like that is worrisome. But I am glad he is better, just keep an eye on it in case it comes back.

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