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Hello! New TAG owner!

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Hi Mandy and welcome to the forum, you said you recently adopted a new grey can you tell us all about him/her.

There is lots of great information here and if you have any questions there is always some one here to ask.


We would love to see pictures when you have a chance.


Carolyn & Mika

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Welcome Mandy!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


You came to the right place for researching and receiving good advice when needed from our members here. Hopefully you will find it to be a friendly and enjoyable community.


Looking forward to hearing more of your new TAG and seeing some photos of her/him when you get a chance.

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Hi! Her name is lilo and shes 14 months old. I adpoted her from a man who could no longer take care of her. Ive had her for about 3 weeks now. she was an angel up to about a week ago and then she started to bite me hard!! shes going through a molt so maybe thats why ?


I had a few questions that I posted in another part of the forum maybe someone could answer them :) ??

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Hello Mandy and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Lilo.


Thats wonderful that you could take in Lilo, not everyone would want a grey that wasn't exactly a baby anymore but she is hardly old enough to pick up much baggage so you should not have too many problems.


She has probably been in your care long enough that the honeymoon is over and more of her personality is showing thru. I wouldn't take her bites too seriously, if she is going thru a molt they usually get a little grumpy but she will use her beak to show her displeasure as they use it to tell us they don't like something you are doing with them so respect her space and don't push her.


I see you have some questions, feel free to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can but do read thru the many threads as you will find lots of useful information that may answer some of them.


Now we would love to see some pictures of Lilo if you would share some with us, I bet she is as pretty as her mom who is gorgeous with that red hair, is it naturally curly or permed?

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I copied and pasted the question i put in the grey section.



Also can someone tell me how you recognise the difference between a feather that is plucked , molted or broken?



She was on her playstand last night and i wasnt watching her. I found a wing feather on the floor. I dont know whether she plucked it or whether it was broken or molted.


It had some white fluff near the quill end and when i squeezed the end a little blood came out


Thanks too anyone who can help me

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Hello Mandy, and Welcome to our Family. I love your pictures! She's a beautiful grey. I look forward to hearing more from you. B)


I wouldn't worry about finding a feather on the floor. They will fall out, especially when they molt. If she was plucking, you would see it, she would be chewing it in a way much more than just preening.

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Hi Mandy. You have got yourself a beautiful grey. I wish you and Lilo all the best in your new life together. I would not worry too much about the feathers, and for now just ignore any nipping. She is probabley still getting aquainted with her new environment.Try and take note of her body language and you will spot what she likes amd dislikes and when a nip is coming. Ask any questions you like and I am sure you will get some good advise.

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Hey Mandy

Best of luck with Lilo..looks a cutie

Try not to react to the biting, for instance they try to test the boundaries much like kids..a simple and clear NO:angry: should do the trick

Much easier said than done however, considering how painful it can be.

Good luck and hope you enjoy the forum



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