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OMG - that is just soooooo funny{Feel-good-0002006E}


I will just have to try that:woohoo:


Carolyn & Mika


P.S. I have a front door mat that says


I already have a hydro and gas carrier

I have a new vacume

I have found God

and I have given at the office


please call and make an appointment for all other reasons

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This is something I invented and now do...

I'm sure that at one time or another, a couple of kids knock on your door and wanna tell you where they're from, wanna tell you about the scriptures and they're also trying to sell you a bible. They're about 18 yrs old and are just repeating what they've been told to say and they annoy the hell out of me and set my dog off with the barking.

So one day, they knocked, I opened the door and they started their routine. Immediately I stopped them and with a surprised look on my face I say "hey wait a minute, wait a minute. Didn't you just see Jesus down the block? He was just here. Periodically, he stops by and has a bagel and coffee cause he loves my wife's coffee. He usually waants to rest a bit cause of his many trips. The only time he annoys me is that he always stops by and never tells me he's coming so sometimes I just in my pajamas and my hair isn't combed. He usually tells me how Abraham is doing and also tells me how Noah is coming along with the repairs on his boat.""

Now of course, the 2 guys are just staring at me and I then tell them that if they hurry fast enough to go down to Sunset Ave cause I know he's visiting Mr and Mrs xxxx.

So far, it's worked twice.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/12/31 22:27

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That was a good one. :laugh:


I used to get real aggrevated with the telemarketers, then tried to give a little back to them.


Sometimes I ask them if they can "hold on for just a minute" and of course they say "Sure", then I put the phone down in front of the TV and just leave it there:laugh: I am surprised at how long they sometimes wait. They are patient little boogers.


Another thing I do sometimes is tell them that I only have a few minutes and could they please give me their name and phone number so I can call back. They never seem to want to do this which usually leads to a heated conversations when I ask them why is they can call me but I can not call them.



You have to learn to have a good time with them and if there's any telemarketers here on the forum, please understand it's all in good fun;)

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I have caller ID so if I don't recognize the number or it starts with 800, 866 or some such prefix then I don't answer it but I have used your idea Erika and leave the phone sitting on a table and let them talk away and see how long before they realize no one is listening, heh heh heh.:whistle: :laugh: :lol: :woohoo:

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