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Is it ok to feed my bird


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"human" food daily. I guess I've been doing it a lot lately and he loves it! lol hes had steak, shrimp, chef boyardee, etc.



But my bf is worried its not good for him. He does eat his regular birdy food too we have that in his cage and an extra bowl for out of his cage

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I would go easy on the steak, they shouldn't have much red meat, chicken or turkey would be a better choice for meat, maybe some fish.


They can have a lot of what we eat, just be careful to stay away from salted or fat laden foods.


We do have some lists of good foods to offer and a list of forbidden foods in the bird food room, take a cruise thru there for them and use them as a guideline for what you may offer.

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Thats ok Brittany and you will find lots of useful information there.


We have lots of rooms now, we used to only have 3 or 4 but the newer admins changed all that, what an awesome place this is now compared to when I first came here in May 2007, awesome:cheer: :lol: ;) B)

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When feeding my birds human food I go by the idea that if it is healthy for me then its ok for them in small quantities.Charlie loves fish and chicken and pasta and scrambled egg .The tiel is not really a hugh lover of my food and preferes dry shredded wheat or bits of apple or greens.

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