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Your Grey + other pets & animals


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Just wondering if any of you have other pets, and if so, how they interact with your Grey?



Or, how do they interact with other animals in general?


I am really paranoid, and I guess, better safe than sorry. We have lovebirds, an Indian Ringneck, and a Green cheeked conure. We also have 2 shelter bunnies and a puppy who's a black Lab/Dalmation mix.


Zeus (my grey) hates (with a passion) the other birds and will snap at them and try and bite them, so they don't come out EVER at the same time. He doesn't mind the bunnies, but the only other pet he likes is Bella, the dog.


He really has taken to her, it's really cute. He will lift his foot up to step up and say very loudly "you wanna step up? YOU WANNA STEP UP???". But he does this to the dog and the dog looks baffled. He will also do his twirly heading off the side of his cage and do the wolf whistle at her, chatter at her, and say BELLA BELLA BELLA. They both seem to like each other. He even rides on her back now.


Do your greys get along with other pets, and if so, which ones?? Please post pics, too! :P22222222.jpg


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I have a female Shith-zu that I used to breed she is very maternal and very protective of the birds. I my bird are walking around the house she stays right beside them just to make sure nobody steps on them she also screams and howls when they screech or screem its enough to drive a person round the bend Thats when mom say doggy has to go out side til the birds quiet down.

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I have a female Shith-zu that I used to breed she is very maternal and very protective of the birds. I my bird are walking around the house she stays right beside them just to make sure nobody steps on them she also screams and howls when they screech or screem its enough to drive a person round the bend Thats when mom say doggy has to go out side til the birds quiet down.

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I only have two pets, a 7 1/2 year old pug, I have had since she was 2 months, and Ana Grey, almost 5 months, that I have had for 3 weeks. They are still getting to know each other so basically they just tolerate each other at this point. I am hoping they will eventually be good friends.


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My Grey hates my Conure. Fortunately, the Conure is fully flighted and much faster than Dayo in maneuvering to escape.


I also have 2 Dobermans that get excited when he flies and being sight oriented, they become seemingly very interested in snapping him out of the Air.


Dayo, if we do not watch him carefully, will walk right up to them. Even though he has been cornered in a split second screaming his head off as I have run to his rescue. This has happened twice. :ohmy: The Dogs do stand back about 3 or 4 feet, but I do not trust them at all and keep them at a distance for his safety. Whats odd, is Dayo calls them both by name, come here, whistle whistle, come here...... As if they are buddies. :S


You just never know when dogs like mine will decide to snap faster than you can see. It would only take one time.....

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My conure hates my grey, Josey does not much care what Sunny does but Sunny would like nothing better than for Josey to just leave the premises but it ain't happening so I keep them a safe distance from one another.


I don't have any other pets in the house anymore after I lost my cat earlier this year, the two dogs we have stay outside, have been thinking of getting another cat but haven't yet, maybe not.:unsure:

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You wanted to know about whether people here have other animals and how greys get along with them.

At least 85% of the people here have other pets besides birds.

It's not unusual for birds to intensely dislike each other, especially the same species. That's pretty common but it's also not unusual if birds really like each other. Nature and environment decide who likes each other and who doesn't.

Saying which types of animals will get along with a grey is impossible especially if there's quite a few different type animals around.

Concerning birds with other animals

1--some animals will take an instant liking to each other.

2--some animals will develop jealousy and will be on guard ready to do damage to each other.

3--some animals will accept other animals without a second thought to the point of actually being bored and don't even try to get involved with each other. basically, they ignore each other, can stay in the same area and won't pay attention to each other.

4--Some animals will develop an intense liking of each other and the species could be totally different from each other. So basically certain animals need to be watched. Their personalities need to be studied before making decisions.

Even though this is not an exact figure, there are percentages--

All parrots, all of which are wild and stay that way are more likely to have a better attitude towards domestic animals as opposed to other wild birds.

In the wild, it's not unusual to see a flock of parrots on the ground scavenging around trying to find things to eat with a pack of wolves very close by also scavenging around looking for whatever appeals to them. They pay no attention to each other. There's a way to see the same thing at home. Take 2 to 4 bird feeders outside in the back yard and put different seeds in them. Hypothetically, we''l use chickadees, titmice, small sparrows, cardinals.

A few chickadees come to the feeder that contains the food they normally eat. Before eating, each one will chase the other away before eating.

That'll happen no matter what specific species named above.

Now take a few titmice who also eat the same food as the chickadees and you'll see the two species come to the feeder, eat together and will have no desire to chase each other away.

The same thing applies to hummingbirds who in my opinion are the most aggressive birds towards each other. Rarely can a person put only one hummingbird feeder outside if they wanna see a few drinking together. A couple of feeders would have to be put outside and they'll need a bit of distance from each other. Now take a squirrel and put the animal right next to the bird feeders. Even put a bird called Junco in the same area also eating the same seeds as the squirrel. Neither will react to each other at all. Take 2 squirrels and put them in the same area and you'll see problems between the two.


My photo contibution concerning the wild animal with the domestic animal.







Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/12/30 19:06<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/12/30 19:24

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We have a 6 year old rescued greyhound, 6 year old shar-pei mix, 2 canaries, and our grey.


One time I had Kenzie (our TAG) on my arm and she was listening to the music of the canaries in the other room. So I took her in there because the canaries were in their cages and Kenzie can't fly very well. Before I knew it, she latched onto one of their cages! Luckily they were smart enough to stay close to the bottom. Kenzie was in the strangest trance and just getting her off of the cage was difficult because she wouldn't even listen to "step up!" She'd kill them if out together, so that's never gonna happen.


The dogs don't pay any attention to our grey. Even if she is out playing on the cage door, the dogs will walk right past her and not pay any attention to her. However, we don't let either of them get close enough because we don't want to take any chances...especially since we rescued a dog that was trained to chase things so she'd run faster!


I hope one day to get a Quaker Parrot, and HOPEFULLY they will get along in the future.

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Echo doesn't really like the other 3 birds or the 4 dogs, but everyone is afraid of Echo so wherever she goes they pretty much stay out of her way. Other birds always stayed away but the dogs had to get chased by her across the floor to get the idea lol.


But she doesn't go out of her way to go after anyone either so it all works out.

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4 Cats and the Grey here.


Was just my mums cat, then I moved in with my 3 after dad died.


Mums cat is terrified of Ash, Ash chases my male cat, which is a strange sight, goes bonkers if my oldest female(Torty)is around (and I certainly don't trust her) and my Siamese is...well...without being unkind she would be like an autistic child. She is certainly not 100% upstairs bless her, but her and Ash get on like they were raised with each other. So much so that when he helps eat our dinner, she tries to steal bits and he leaves bits for her.


So at the moment, fairly peaceful house most of the time, considering the animals lol.

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This is a great thread, mixtressariadne - karma to you for starting it! I love your pictures of Bella and Zeus - and yours, luvparrots of Ana and Lily! Kinda hard to compete with Dave's grey sitting on the pointer's tail :laugh: - but what different categories!


Maxi's just getting used to her "new" (since 2 weeks ago) roommate, Tanner, a severe macaw who is sometimes pretty noisy. Tanner's very smitten with me and needy at present, and she's really being a lady about sharing space with him, tho the expression on her face when she watches him is often sort of "What undignifed behavior! Hmph!":P


By contrast, she and the albino Rex bunny seem to like each other - he can often be found under her cage, and she likes to hang out on top of his. I have a picture of this, but it seem to be too big to post here - still trying to figure it out...)(Tanner will also chase the bunny around...)


The cats - well - neither of them is at ALL trustworthy, tho the older one at least knows he'd be in trouble if he ate a family member, so they are very strictly monitored.


I was very interested in what Dave had to say about which animals get along with which - it does make a lot of sense. They DO make sense, you know - even if we have to watch them a lot to figure ot what the logic is...


BTW, check out SweetFX's threads on here about her Great Dane and Rexxy - I love this little family and its stories!

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Well you can actually just go to accessories and then to the paint program on your computer to resize photos.


Just go to paint and then click on: resize-skew and you can fix the size of the photo.


Thanks for the nice comments, I thought this would be a good forum, Im happy to see all the various photos of people and their greys with other pets!


I have to agree that the parrot on the dogs tail wins hands down. SO CUTE!


But this photo of Bella in her Christmas sweater and Zeus riding her is pretty cute too, hahaha.... ;)

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I have a house full of "critters." Jenna is the only bird at present. There are 2 dogs, a border collie and a collie. The border collie and Jenna pretty much ignore each other. The collie - well, she is SUCH a sweet thing that I've never found another animal that did not adore her. Jenna has flown to her and sat on her back a time or two, to the poor dog's bewilderment ~grins~ The collie will freeze, and stand there looking wide eyed and anxious. There are also 5 cats in the house; two of my mom's and 3 of mine. There is only one of the cats, a female, that I think might deliberately go after Jenna, but of course none of them are around her without supervision. There is also a ferret in the house, and he is NEVER out of his cage in the same room as Jenna. He is contained in one room, and when he runs loose in there Jenna is elsewhere.


My experience with animals of all different species is that they can be surprisingly good buddies. As I said, I've never seen an animal that does not just adore my collie. But even with her, I keep a close watch; she might inadvertantly step on Jenna or lie down on her or something, and it is just not worth the risk!

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I will be getting my Grey after weaned And I was wondering the Same Question. I hope The Grey Gets along with my Other Pets. My other Birds are out of their Cage 75% of the Day. My Sun Conure Dive Bombs at my pug & Daschund for fun and Playing. I think it is So Cute. My Sun Conure (Pebbles) loves to introduce her self to new Critters that Come in and Show off. My Jenday Is Quiet. and my Sugar Gliders are in their Cage a good amount of time in the Day(Gliders sleep all day and come out at night). If anything I will have to Worry about my Great Dane. She thinks every small animal is Her baby. She had a litter once before I fixed her and from their on any small critter is one of her babies. LOL!

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You will just have to play it by ear and take the suggestions the other offered, you cannot risk your grey getting harmed so be sure to supervise any out of cage time with any of the other animals. But it might surprise you who gets along with whom in the end.

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I'd be also very wary with the other birds too. Just because I've seen Zeus lunge at the lovebirds when they have their out time, and I shudder to think how fast he'd injure them if I weren't monitoring.


Although, mind you, Azuli (one of the lovies) landed on his cage the other day and he seemed very friendly with him. He HATES Spring, one of the other lovebirds, so maybe it's just a personal thing dependant on the bird.



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  • 3 months later...

I think this story fits in this thread...


Just a couple of weeks ago, Maxi was sitting on my shoulder while I was scratching the bunny's nose through his cage bars. The bunny's name is Snowball, but we almost ALWAYS call him "Bubboo" (short for Bunny-boo). Well, Max looks at me that morning and says for the first time: "Bubboo?" 'Course, I laughed and made a fuss...:)


Well, in the same time frame, the rabbit has been having some trouble with an eye: possibly a plugged tear duct. We have been putting ointment in it twice a day for 10 days or so - all of which occurs in full view of Maxi. I decided yesterday the ointment wasn't really doing the trick, so I brought in his carrier and starting hauling him out of his cage to take him back to the vet. From over my shoulder, I hear: "Bubboo - okay?" At first I though I was just hearing things, but when I turned, there she was, intently watching me messin' with her pal - and she proceeded to repeat for me: "Okay? Bubboo okay? Bubboo okay?" :P :P :P


Yes, I assured her Bubboo would be okay. Lucky bunny!

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