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getting a new puppy!!!


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Hey everyone! I am a huge animal lover and when I moved out of my parents house, I did not have any dogs. I got Malibu and he will be 9 months old next month. I want to get a puppy!! I found a yorkie puppy that is 13 weeks old. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on how to introduce Malibu to the puppy. He came from a breeder who had dogs and he also sees my boyfriend's parents yorkie who comes up to visit almost everyday. Any suggestions??? THanks!!

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Well it sounds like Malibu is already used to having dogs around so introducing a puppy to him won't be a new experience but a puppy can be rambunctious so introduce them slowly and keep your eyes on the puppy at all times. You may have to keep Malibu up and away from the puppy for quite a while until you find out how they are going to react to one another.


But slow is the name of the game and never leave them together in the same room when Malibu is out of his cage. You may even have to pen the puppy up for a while when Malibu is out if things get too wound up and Malibu gets stressed so he has some time out of the cage to be more relaxed and not having to watch out for that new little bundle of energy.


Others who have dogs that stay inside will chime in with their ideas and suggestions but what I gave you is a start.

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I would make sure your bird is inside his cage when you bring the puppy around it for the first time. Let him watch you interact with it and see it for a bit before you let them out together. Since your bird has been around dogs it probably won't be anything too scary for it, but take things slow, always supervise them together and see how things go. Make sure your bird knows he is still # 1 to you too so he doesn't feel replaced by the puppy. Make sure he still gets special one- on- one time with you. He will probably enjoy watching the puppy and having a new member of your flock.

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I have had Lily, my pug, since she was 2 months old, she is now 7 1/2 years. She and I are together most of the time. Ana Grey, almost 5 months, I have had for three weeks. Ana's breeder had 2 small dogs so she was use to dogs, in fact could yelp like a small dog when I first brought her home. If Ana Grey lands on the floor Lily will bark to let me know Ana is on the floor, she use to run to Ana but since I always said "no you leave her alone" she no longer runs to her just barks. If Ana lands on Lily's bed, Lily ignores her, I immediately remove Ana and tell her "no, Ana leave Lily along". Not because I am afraid for Ana, but because I am afraid for Lily. Lily has huge eyes and if Ana should bite at one of her eyes, well we won't go there. If I am going to leave the room I put Ana back in her cage, after all they are both still animals and I am responsible for both of their wellbeings. They are equally reprimanded for invading the other's space.

When family are over, both pets are equally fawned over because it would be easy for Lily to become jealous and I know her well enough to be very aware of this. I hope this helps.

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I just brought a new do into the house as well. Tobie is used to my other two dogs. The other dogs just ignore Tobie for the most part or even avoid close contact. I started the puppy(5 mo old mutt)with Tobie in his cage and the dog just looking at him. One day the new dog (Brandy) jumped on the cage for a closer look. Tobie yelled "stop that". When the puppy stopped paying attention to Tobie in or on top of the cage, I put Brandy on a leash and put Tobie on the back of the couch in the den where he likes to play. The puppy made two playful lunges and I corrected him strongly with the leash and verbal command "No". We did this several times before I felt the puppy was ignoring Tobie enough to put Tobie on the floor - the puppy on the leash. Finally I noticed the puppy really got the picture and was trying not to get close to the bird and the puppy was allowed off the leash and Tobie on the floor. I trained all of my dogs this way. The dogs now act like Tobie's got bad breath and will turn away if he comes near. Tucker will come to my lap sometimes when Tobie is on my shoulder and Tobie sticks his head down with his "see my big beak" look and say something powerful like "out back".

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I love puppies. I foster puppies sometime. Do you have a Special Breed in Mind. I have a 10 month old Pug, 1 yr old Mini Daschund, & 5 yr old Great Dane. I love Big Dogs. Next for me in a couple of years is a English Mastiff! Just dont Grab the 1st pup you see. Look around. Make sure the Breed is for you.

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