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LOL Pepper loves this band


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Ha ha.


My boyfriend is a fan of the band "Rage Against The Machine" so he had me play him a song and we noticed yesterday that Pepper would sit there and listen to it. He gets really interested.


And now im playing it again and hes getting excited lol he keeps talking and trying to come closer to my laptop playing the music. He turns his head in funny ways too


He loves the song "Bulls on Parade" b y them. Its so funny to watch




oh and we moved his cage around. he has more space now.

he seems to like it a lot more

his old cage placement:


new cage placement:



i dont know what we were thinking b efore. well i had my comp desk over there but we completely re arranged some stuff to get more space<br><br>Post edited by: Brittany, at: 2008/12/29 17:20

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Well I have never heard of this band but if you say they are good then I will take your word for it:laugh: now if you can catch this fancy footwork on video then we all might appreciate it very much:woohoo:


I like your new arrangement, I would imagine it would work better for you and Pepper, thanks for sharing the pics with us.:cheer:

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