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How old was your grey when he/she began to talk


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I got my new baby grey Oct. 16 and now she is 6 months old. Maggie Blaine can already say hello, O Well, PaPa and what are you doing on command. Is is unusual for a grey to be talking so earlie and especially on command. She is the best bird ever and has never tried to bite me. I cant say the same for my wife, but she is getting better with Maggie and she can hold her now without the biting. I hope that everone has had a Merry Christmas.

I put a picture of me and maggie blaine on the photo album and I tried to put on my profile but it exceeded the limit.

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Does your wife bite you often? I hope she has stopped biting your poor Maggie.


Six months is not unusual for a grey to start talking and you have lots of fun to come. However I have to tell you we all have the best bird ever. I know I do :)

Anyway welcome to the group and have a good new year.


Steve n Misty

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Hey Papasilverdule- welcome to the forum. Your Maggie sounds like a wonderful grey!

I think it's pretty typical for a grey to begin speaking around 1 year old, but of course we have several brilliant exceptions on this forum. It's always wonderful to hear about a grey learning to speak very early on.

I have a 2 year old TAG that does not talk, but he is the light of my life anyway. He whistles beautifully though and I can't help but think that maybe he may surprise me with a word. You never know about greys though- some never utter a word!

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My Tango doesn't talk in front of me, but I've been told he says "Tango" and "uh-oh." He's 6 & 1/2 months old at this point, so I figure that since he's started talking a little (just within the past few days), it'll ramp up as he gets older. I'm looking forward to hearing him talk for the first time now that I know he does! A friend and coworker I mentioned in another post who is a professional bird trainer (not employed by me!) is the one who heard him talk, so I can't imagine she misheard or is making anything up. I must say I'm very excited.

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I saw the pictures you posted in the photo album, papasilverdule, how adorable! She looks completely comfortable with you, my Lacey does not like to be on her back. My CAG, Lacey is 9 months and isn't talking yet...but tries...and I could swear the other day she told me to "eat shower"??! I always tell her to 'eat supper' and every day she showers with me and I repeat 'take shower' over and over. So, who knows...:)

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AnnaBella was talking when we brought her home at age 3 months. She was saying "hi", "hello", 'hello bird", "hello birdies"...something else, I forget. She's 3 years old today (12/31 is her hatch day)and says 250+ words/phrases....she learns new stuff very quickly by us just talking to her. Good luck!<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2009/01/01 04:04

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charlie is five months old. he says pretty bird, crazy dog, barks and whines like a dog. and i thought i heard him say snoopie one day. he chatters all the time. I am hoping he gets better as he gets older. he seems to understand what i say though.

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  • 2 months later...

My little Lacey is now just over one year old and speaks many words and phrases. Once she reached about 10 months she started talking and just amazes me with what she picks up. She met someone new the other day and when they walked up to her she said, "Are you a birdie?" Too cute! What is interesting to me tho' is that she wants little to do with my husband but speaks in his voice and usually only picks up phrases that he speaks to her even tho I do 80% of the talking/interacting with her.

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