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Guest pikey

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Guest pikey

I'm pleased to announce the arrive of Basil, the almost 6 month old CAG, to our home. Basil has greeted his/her new home with a "hello" and a poop. At the moment s/he is exploring every nook and cranny of his cage, as any diligent new homeowner should. Basil has also shown our dog how a CAG can also look like a vulture.


The dog was impressed.


And now, for the first important question. How does one deal with pronouns and vagueness of gender?

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Guest beerfish

Does anyone have any idea how much it cost's (UK, Pounds Sterling) to have a parrot DNA sexed?


It has been suggested that my CAG (Bertie) is a female because of the way in reacts differently to men and women, i.e Bertie prefers men to women.

However, a book I have (African Grey Parrots ...Getting Started, by Helmut

Pinter) suugests that a CAG cannot tell the difference between men and women and this rule is just an old wives tale.


Any opinions?

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Guest beerfish

Cool, thanks a lot. I've just checked out Avian Biotech's UK website (www.avianbiotech.co.uk) and it turns out they are just down the road in

Truro, so we will soon all know wether its Bertie or Beatrix.


I'll keep you all posted. Does anyone fancy starting a book on this. LOL



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Guest kinta99

I think Basil is a nice name for a male or female. I also think that unless you intend to use Basil as a breeder then it doesn't matter what Basil's gender is. Since it doesn't matter, you can choose for you and Basil what pronoun you want to use, and then just stick with it. (much cheaper than

DNA testing). Congrats on your new talkative baby! Hope you have as much fun as I've had with ours!

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Guest pikey

DNA testing is probably a good idea, although s/he already appears to have a repetoire. If you leave the room for a while you hear:


A perfect wolf whistle hello good boy and the most perfect rendition of a dog barking I've ever heard from anything other then a dog (the breeder has a dog.)


If I keep laughing this much, we know what I'll hear next...


I'm amazed how much talking is going on for a bird this age!

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Guest pikey

I think it's that Fawlty Towers syndrome...


For a baby, he's got a fairly complete repetoire starting. Some I understand, some I don't. However, he's learnng how to whistle to us, to get us to come. Good human, good human *pat pat pat*


As I explained to my 14 year old daughter, the sex makes no difference unless we intend to breed. Then we'll DNA sex him/her. If we've referred to it as a him, and it turns out it's a her, then we'll introduce a male and tell him it's a female. She looked horrified, insisting we'd cause sexual confusion. I had to gently explain how the CAG could handle the transgender issues. ;-)

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Guest DjHarlequin


avian biotech do it.

How a bird reacts to men or women has nothing to do with what sex it is. It is an old woves tale.

What difference does it make to you or the bird what sex it is?

By all means pull out a feather and send it off to avian biotech oif you fell you *must* know. But for the life of me I cannot see what difference it makes. I have not had most of my pet birds sexed and it makes not a bit of difference.

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