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Home Alone......


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Hey all, for those of you who helped me with the decision whether to leave my newley rehomed grey, ChaCha and my amazon, Boozle while I went on a two day trip to see family for Christmas.....Everything went great, no problems. ChaCha was even glad to see me and stepped right up on my arm. Boozle was P O'd as usual and turned her back on me but she got over it by the next day....:cheer:


I had a great time with all my family, all though it was short and sweet. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas too..... (they were all disappointed I didn't bring Boozle and ChaCha with us this time)! Maybe another trip.....




An angel says, "Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen you have worried twice...........

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I am so glad to hear it went well when you left for a couple of days Debbie and at least one of them was happy to see you, my grey does not hold a grudge when I am away from her either.


Maybe the next time you can take them with you, they might just enjoy it as much as you do.

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This is great news! Seems both ChaCha and Boozle missed you each in their own way and all is well with the world. I'm glad you had a great time with your family. I think it's a great idea to take them both next time as ChaCha will then be settled and now knows you will come back and he belongs. I too had a great Christmas and I hope you have a Happy New Year with your fids.


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Thanks Judy, all is well right now! Hope it stays that way. Two of my grandkids are coming over and Boozle isn't grandkid friendly at all. They don't taunt her or anything like that. I think she is just jealous. ChaCha hasn't been around them much so far but his previous owner said he didn't like kids but hers were "little screaming" kids at the time...my youngest is 6 and oldest is 13. Seven of them all together! Makes for a madhouse when all are here!:woohoo:




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Most greys do not like loud kids especially ones who run around like a chicken with their head cut off. My Josey does not pay much attention to my grandkids and they leave her pretty much alone as I have warned them she could bite if they get too close.


My sun conure, Sunny though has taken a dislike for my grandgirls, she will lean out to get them if they get too close to me when she is sitting on my shoulder, she will tolerate my grandson but the girls are something else. She will even bite me, not in aggression but to warn me that one of them is too close, funny little brat, otherwise she is sweet as sugar, good thing my grandgirls live further away and are not here that often.


Seven, that is a madhouse, glad it is you and not me:whistle: three is my limit:lol: ;):P

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Hey Janet, yeah, Boozle is always mad at me when I leave her for more than a day! She gets over it but I just ignore her and leave her to herself until she comes around! ChaCha acted like he was very happy to see me, but he is still wary at times. I know it's only been a month so I have got to be patient!


Hope you have a great New Year too!:cheer:


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Boozle does the same thing as Sunny, she will lean out to get them and nip me too sometimes. I have a beautiful little 6 year old redhead named Crimson (she was named before she was born). Boozle doesn't like her AT ALL! Do you think it's the red hair??? I only have 2 grand girls........


I thought my grands were the only ones that ran around like chicken's with their heads cut off!:lol:

Debbie Crimson3w.jpg


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Just look at that beautiful red hair, yes she was aptly named, she is a gorgeous girl with freckles across her cheeks, thanks for sharing her with us.


No I don't think it is the hair color, I haven't quite figured out why Sunny acts the way she does, maybe it is a gender thing for she acts differently around my grandson but who knows.


I do know one thing, all of them love animals but my grandson is gentler with animals than the two girls are so maybe that is it, he doesn't try forcing himself on them and the two girls are more intruding.

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I think you have hit the nail on the head, they don't like someone forcing themselves on them. I have some friends that come in that Boozle will beg to get on and others she runs the other way.. I guess maybe its that "aura" thing I have read about.....


Speaking of grands, Crimson and Sam are here!

Catch you later!


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