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Santa Bird brought legos


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The legos were actually cheaper than any of the store bought bird toys. I read an article about them that said they are safe plastic...made in Denmark or something like that, so no lead. I'm thinking of ways to make hanging toys out of them as well.


Gryphon asks that I pass on the bird rules for legos:


Your job is to build them in interesting shapes so that they can be destroyed and dropped all over the floor. After that, the humans get to step on them and scream while the bird laughs at you. It is major entertainment! :laugh:

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That looks like something Tyco would love she just love foot toys and You can build so many differnt things with them she wouldn't get board everyday she would have a new Toy to play with. I'll have to go shopping this week now that everything is marked down to half price I'll be able to buy her a huge set of them

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What an excellent idea, legos for greys, my grandson got some lego sets for Christmas but they are too complicated and of smaller pieces than the one you got for Gryphon.


He certainly does seem to be enjoying playing with them, thanks for sharing some pictures of him with his new toys.

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