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Selling My Baby


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Everyone I'm new here and need some help.


I have a male African Grey Congo which I love very much. I've had him for 5 years and need to sell him. Due to my job I have to travel so much time that I have no time for him. He is good boy and is tamed. My question is has anyone had a problem selling their baby?

I've posted Ad's wanting 950 with cage, toys and gym. People want him for free. I can't believe this its crazy. I paid 1200 plus the cage 400 toys and gym. Do you all think I'm asking too much? Any assistance would be greatful. I hate giving him up but really do have to.

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Thanks luvparrots, he is great does the step, eats out of hand and just loves his gym. Everytime I walk into the family room he saids hi or come here. I just laugh and say hi. When I go over to him he just wants for me to rub his head. He calls my daughter all the times and when the phone rings says hello. I feel like he is the son I never had and baby him to death. But he doesn't like when people come over and just stays quiet listening to everything. I will miss him and my heart hurts just thinking of him leaving me. I want to ensure he goes somewhere, where he will be loved.

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Hi Rosie, Sorry you have to get rid of your grey:( I'm sure he's worth every penny and I know that $950 is not too much to ask but I have purchased a couple of birds online myself and didn't pay that much. I got my 12 year old grey for $600 with his cage and I got a 5 year old eclectus for $500. I do look online often to see what new birds come up and have noticed that the ones for $500-$600 seem to sell fairly quick but people aren't willing spend much more than that atleast not here in Michigan. It might be the times and due to the slowing economy that people just can't afford them like they used to. Have you looked at what others are asking for their greys in your area? I know I got a steal on my grey and eclectus because I know they aren't cheap at all and their cages, playstands & toys are so expensive, too but you might have to come down some on price if you really need to sell. Perhaps you could put $950 or best offer if you don't want to go down too much. Just wondering where are you located?

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Thanks, I did look on the inter-net in Orlando Florida they go for anywhere from 700-1000 without the cage. I am giving the cage, toys and food for 950.00 I am not firm but people want him for free. I had one person call me and wanted to buy him for only 250.00 with cage, toys, gym and food. If he would of said 700 for everything then I would of said ok.

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Sorry I cant help, I am in the UK and am not sure of what greys sell for in your area.

A private sale here would be about £600 but with the economy at the moment I have noticed quite a few for sale for quite a while now.

Good luck, I hope you find a good home:)

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Hi Rosie,


I am sorry to hear that you feel you must sell your grey. Maybe I'm going to be out of line here, but from what you describe of the relationship you have with the bird, I find myself wondering why you feel you need to give him up. It sounds like you really love each other, and it sounds like he does get attention from you when you are there. I guess the comment that first made me wonder was when you said that when other people come over "he doesn't like it and just sits there quietly". Maxi often just sits there quietly when I have guests, but I don't interpret it as her not liking it: I think she's just listening to everyone - just as she does when a stranger talks directly to her. I found myself wondering whether you might be worrying too much about his needs. What arrangements do you make for him when you are away?


I realize this is an emotional decision for you - and please don't feel you need to reply to my comment directly. I am just wondering whether the situation is really so dire that you need to give him up. He doesn't sound like an unhappy bird at all to me.


I wish you the best in whatever you decide.<br><br>Post edited by: LindaMary, at: 2008/12/26 15:46

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Hi LindaMary,


Thanks for your response, your right we do love each other very much. My married daughter is the one that has been taking care of him. My daughter is getting tried of coming over every night to take care of him, then go home and take care of her stuff. When I travel it's outside the US for maybe 2 weeks or more. I just feel it is unfair to my baby and daugther.

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Linda, you have brought up a good point and I wonder the same thing. If someone truly loves their grey then how can they feel like they have to get rid of it because of circumstances of not being around every day.


Now if the traveling is a new thing that will become more often then I can understand but if you have been traveling for quite a while now then I don't see the problem. You have to make arrangements for his care when you are not there but if you spend quality time with him when you are there then quanity does not matter.


I am not trying to judge you but I want you to think long and hard before you make a decision that you may come to regret. Most of us members here feel our greys are like a part of our family, our children and we wouldn't get rid of one of our children if circumstances made it hard to spend much time with them, thats life sometimes.


Think about what you said, "I feel like he is the son I never had" that speaks volumes about how you feel about him so make sure this is what you really want before you let him go because you could be making the biggest mistake of your life.


But after all this if you do decide to give him up then you will know you did the right thing and can let him go with a cleam conscience.


My Josey does the same thing when other people come over, she sits and listens to what is going on and being said, she is observing and I don't take it as her being unhappy, thats just the way they are.

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I just read your last post and yes maybe it is better you let him go, 2 weeks is a long time to be away at a time and if your daughter is the only one who can come in and take care of him while you are gone then maybe it is best you find him a new home, he deserves to have an owner who is around more of the time.


I know this is breaking your heart but think of it this way, sometimes you have to love someone enough to let them go.


Thanks for updating us on your circumstances as it helps to understand what you face, wouldn't want to be in your shoes but no one should judge you until they have walked in your footsteps.


I wish you luck in finding him a new home, just be sure it is a good one, I know I would want to make sure he was taken care of properly and loved.

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If the traveling will be an ongoing thing then it is unfair to him, now if the traveling will end sometime soon then I would say keep him but only you know for sure.


The only thing I ask is that you make sure he will be going to a good home with someone who will take as good a care of him that you did.


Maybe someday circumstances will be different and you can bring a grey into your life again but only if traveling often is not an issue anymore.


You do seem to love him very much and want only the best for him and I hope he gets that.

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Hi Rosie,


It sounds like a VERY TOUGH decision you have made.


You mentioned your daughter and he loves her. Is it possible she could take him home, instead of selling him and putting him into a strange home with a strange person? Just a thought. :-)


If you really want to sell him quickly, you will need to lower the price to get more interest. Probably around the 500 - 600 dollar range for everything. The thought being, is that the most important thing is he gets a good and loving "Forever" home. Which will give you peace of mind knowing he went to someone that knows and has researched Parrots, hasn't just decided they want one of those "Star" parrots on a whim and then he ends up again being re homed. :-)


Just my personal belief, on any my critters, IF I ever had to give them up. Would be that they get the home they deserve and I know they would be in a home with as much love as they had with me.


Money would not even be a very big factor in Whom ended up with them. It would all be about qualifications, why they want one and the environment they would be living in.


Basically anyone wanting to be the next home for one of my critters would go through a stringent interview process. :-)

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Its really sad that anyone has to rehome their pet. I have the greatest of respect for anyone who makes this decision because of the reasons you mention rather than keep a pet that they cannot do justice to. I got given my boy because the economic climate meant that his owners were working all hours and they realised that he needed more attention than they had time.

I know they miss him greatly but when they pop in and see him so happy and talkative they always say wow hes so happy we know we made the right decision.

Would it be worth trying to find someone who would have your bird to stay when you go away.I once knew an old lady who regularly looked after a parrot for someone who worked at sea and that bird was properly spoilt and valuable company for the lady.He was awfully loud but she just turned down her hearing aid and smiled when most people would have throttled him!

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miss rosie, i have a friend in pensacola looking for a grey. he is well qualified to own a bird, he is a very loving pet owner and has done his research well.


with your permission i will send this link to him and see if he is interested. he is very committed to animal rescue and i have not had much luck finding parrot rescue in florida.


please feel free to PM me when you read this.



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i will miss judygram.


while i'm thinking of it may i ask if anyone can refer me to a good FL parrot rescue?


i have not had much success with an internet search, BT magazine does not list rescues (they SHOULD and maybe i shall send them a letter on the subject). i have contacted the MN rescue that blessed me with merlin and am waiting to see what they say. i figure if they can get me as far south as they can, i can zig zag my way south til i hit FL.


but then again, this little male might be just the match for my friend. fingers crossed!

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Hi Everyone,


I just wanted to thank everyone for their support, Sandra you have become a dear friend to me thank you. My update; I placed an Ad and interviewed yes intreviewed lots of people but I always found something wrong with them. In my heart I knew no one would treat him as I do. Well anyway my daughter went to my ex-husband (her father) crying and saying that she was the reason I was selling Howard (my baby) and he offered to stay in my house while I traveled. I do not trust him at all but its my last hope. My daughter will be checking up on him to see if he does as he said he would.:lol: I will not be selling him at all:cheer: If it doesn't work out I have another plan which will cost me lots of money but at least I will have him. Again thanks

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Rosie, if you say you do not trust your ex-husband, are you meaning in trusting him to be staying in your home or trust him in taking proper care of Howard? If you do not trust him to take proper care of Howard then this is no solution, the care and well being of Howard should be your utmost concern.


I know that deep down you really don't want to lose Howard but you have travel obligations that you cannot get out of so unless you can find some solution to that problem then rehoming him is the only answer.


Isn't there someone else who can take care of Howard in your absence besides your ex? You said you have another plan but it will cost lots of money, I can imagine it is some kind of boarding for him but if your ex cannot be counted on to take proper care of him then please consider this other option, money is not the first concern here, Howard's life and well being is.

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judygram, you are taking it out of contents, I don't trust his intentions. He loves birds dont get me wrong or else I would never leave him alone with Howard. He has never done anything nice for my daughter or me.


It's may cost me over 300 to 400 a week to have this person take care of him. It is a lot of money if I have to leave for 2 weeks that is almost my house payment, in these days with evrything going on I don't know if my business will be in business in a few months. Put yourself in my shoes, do you have 800 a month extra? If you do then maybe you could help me pay for the boarding. I am going to cut a lot of corners but in the end I can not do this for months at a time. I was thinking of doing it until I could find someone to keep him until I get home. Please stop being so negative.

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I was not aware that my post was negative, I am just being realistic and I made some comments with what I was given as information provided by you. You said he couldn't be trusted so I based my answer on that statement.


No I do not have $800 a month extra but then I am not in your shoes now am I, you are the one facing this situation and you asked for our help so I gave you my two cents worth.


Maybe some of the other members will have some ideas and suggestions for you that will be more helpful.

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