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I am very sorry to read your story about Rouge and how you lost her. It is very tragic and I'm sure it was hard to bear that kind of loss.

You are in my thoughts and perhaps when the pain is bearable you will decide to share your life with another grey.

I would also speak to the boarders about this and see if they will do anything- they should at least offer to help pay the vet bills...that's my opinion anyway.

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Thank you all for your prays. Today is better bit I'm still crying. The nusrey is paying the vet bills as well they have offered for us to pick out any bird they have, they have no greys. So my daughter picked a ruby macaw baby. He is 5 months old and quiet a clown. But I did have them remove his band as well as I have removed all bands on all my birds. I won't go through or have anything like this happen again if I can avoid it. I seen others her questioning the bands on there beloved babies. I would remove them.I'm glas at least that rouges tradgidy has made people question there safty. It had purpose so not just awaste of life. My pain will heal but not I think that anyone isn't doing everything in there power to keep it from happening to another family. Anyway we bring him home friday. Again thank you and have a happy new year

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Jessica am glad the nursery is taking responsability. You are so right saying this tragedy has brought to question the safety of bands.Rouge has achieved this in his short life.I for one will have Charlies band removed when he next goes to the vet.


I wish you all the luck in the world with the new macaw,

I am sure he will help ease your pain.


Good luck and best wishes Sheila

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This will take a while for you to get over Jessica but having a new bird in the house will help to ease your pain, not to take Rouge's place but now you can lavish that love in your heart to this ruby macaw and I think Rouge would want that for you.


I opted to not have the band put on mine for just those very reasons and we do have several members who have already and are going to take them off their birds so Rouge's death has at least helped a few avoid the same fate.


Congrats on the ruby macaw and please do post some pictures of him when you can as we would love to see him, you can remain an active member of this forum and who knows you might acquire another grey someday so please do keep us informed.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and have a happy new year.

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It's great to here the Nursery is taking care of you very well and making things as right as they can. It obvious all that can not remove the hole in your heart or the pain you feel.


The good out of all this, is as you and others stated. Leg Bands can be hazardous to our Avian friends.


Please stay in touch. It does not matter that you no longer have a Grey. :-)

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Well, I have not slept all night, I have been so moved by Rouges story. I have decided not to wait untill Charlies next check up and made a vet appointment for this afternoon to have his ring removed. The vet has said he will give charlie a bit of sedation as he feels it is less traumatic for him. I am concerned about the anasthetic but feel It is something worth doing right away.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/01/02 13:22

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